Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Sell Broken Electronics on eBay

Now I can see that many people will look at this title strangely. But yes there are people that willingly buy broken electronics over eBay. Mostly these are tech-savvy people who know that they can repair them and they turn around and sell them. I have some tips on how you can successfully sell your broken electronics and have no trouble whatsoever.

1. Description
                First and foremost, you must list that the item that you are selling is broken when you first list it. If not, the buyer can take legal action against you if need be. I personally have never had that happen and I wouldn't like it to happen to anyone else. Once you have said that the item is broken, describe how it is broken. Does it have a cracked screen? Do the keys not work? Details like that. This can also determine how many sellers you get. For instance, if you have an iPhone and the screen shattered and that is the only problem with it. Then that phone might sell faster than one that is completely broken and won't turn on. Replacing a screen can be easy if someone knows how. So be sure to describe in detail what the issue is.

2. Correct Listing
                When listing a broken item, be sure that you list it "As Is" or "Use for Parts". These are the most common ways of saying that the electronic does not work properly and thus you cannot be held responsible if the electronic is broken when it arrives to the buyer, as you clearly stated that it was broken or not working properly before the buyer bought it from you. This is very important to you as a seller as negative votes can hurt your eBay standing, so you want as little negative votes as possible.

3. Photos

                As with anything on eBay, photos are good to have when you are listing your items. When it comes to listing a broken electronic, it gives the buyer the visual of what exactly is wrong with the electronic if it has suffered damage on the outside that can be seen. This also helps buyers determine if they are willing to buy this item and fix it themselves within their means or if they should look somewhere else. As with the description, having a good picture can, and usually does, make or break a sell on eBay.

4. Price
                Again next to photos, the price is the next biggest thing that could make or break your sell on eBay. When dealing with broken electronics, it is always important to remember that you are not selling the electronic in proper working condition so it would be unfair of you to price the electronic at a high cost when it is clearly not worth that. Now I am not saying to put all of your broken electronics up for just pennies, because you have to make money as well. But be conscious on how much you are going to charge for an electronic that doesn't work properly. For instance, I recently just sold an I-pod Classic for $25.00 because it wouldn't hold a full charge. Now I didn't buy it for that price but since it would not hold a charge, I didn't want to overcharge the buyer for something that did not work properly. Just think clearly whenever you list broken electronics and always think about how you would want a seller to treat you if you bought something that was in a broken condition.

As with my other tips I am going to leave a few links down below, so please feel free to check them out and look at the other tips for yourselves! : )
eBay Listing Flow:
eBay Seller Center Homepage:

How to Sell Clothes on eBay

These are my tips for how I sell clothes on eBay. I have had great success with these tips and I want others to have the same success as I have. So I do hope that others will take these tips to heart.

1. Sizes/ Manufacturer
                This is most important when you are selling clothes. You must be very accurate when you are selling clothes. You must put down the exact size of each clothing item that you put up for sale on eBay. For example, list a shirt as a small, medium or large; but with a dress be a bit more detailed by giving the length, cut, bust size, etc. This can also be combined with this next item. It is also important though many tend to look over it. It is important that you include the manufacturer of the clothes. This is due to the fact that different manufacturers list their sizes differently. If one manufacturer lists the size as a medium, it could in reality be a large on someone else. So be sure to include the manufacturer as well as the size when you are listing clothes.

2. Photos
                This is also very important tip that many people overlook. It is one thing to describe clothing but it is another to have a picture that shows the detail. The saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, can indeed be true in this tip. A picture can capture the detail of the clothes that a mere description could not simply show. It also helps that pictures are one of the first things that a buyer sees when they are scrolling through the listings. So take a good picture, make sure the clothing item can be seen fully, good lighting and a clean background. But please do include a detailed description to go along with the photo.

3. Accurate Description
                Another tip is that if there are any tears, stains or flaws in the clothing, it should be listed in the description as well. Now this would mean that you might not have that many buyers but I have personally sold clothes on eBay that had slight tears in them but the buyer wanted to buy it anyway as they had confidence that they could fix the tears; which after they contacted me again, they did succeed. So be very accurate in your descriptions or else you will get negative reviews.

4. Pricing
                Pricing clothes can be difficult and it depends on many things. How much did the clothing cost you originally? What condition is it in? How old is it? Where did you buy it from? These are questions that you must ask yourself when you are listing clothing. For example, if you bought something at Forever21, do not make the price similar to that of Gucci or Prada. And the example can go in reverse, do not charge Forever21 prices for something that you bought from Gucci or Prada. You have to meet the price in the middle of being fair but also enough so that you are making money as well. So before you list your clothing item, be sure to answer the questions that I previously listed as well as compare prices to similar clothing on eBay. 

As I did with my other tips I will list three links that will give more information and tips should you feel the need to look into them and discover more tips for yourself. 

eBay Listing Flow:
eBay Seller Center Homepage: