Friday, June 27, 2014

How to Sell Books on eBay

I have sold many things on eBay but the easiest thing that I have sold would have to books. Books, especially older books, sell the best and quickest of all things that I have sold on eBay. It's not really that difficult to sell anything on eBay as they give you step-by-step instructions. But here are my tips to how I sell books on eBay.

1. Descriptions
                When I say detailed descriptions, I mean include everything about the book that you are listing. This includes the title, author, year it was published, condition of the book, any markings or damages to the book; even minor ones. This is very important because buyers tend to differ in their taste. Some prefer books that show slight damage as it shows that the book was well loved. Others want a book that has little to no damage at all. It is also important to include a summary of the book. This can be done by actually typing up the summary that is usually found on the back cover of the book or the inside over of a hardback book.

2. Prices
                This is also very important if you want buyers to keep coming back to you when they are looking for more books to buy. Look through the prices of books that are similar to yours and compare your book to the ones listed. If you feel that you can charge a little less, then do so. This will make buyers come to you more than they would go to other sellers. But in doing this, you must be very aware of what you are doing. You do not want to charge so little that you do not make a profit but also you do not want to overcharge for the book that you are selling.

3. Shipping
                Another thing that I have found out that makes me a good seller on eBay is that I do not charge for shipping at all. I give all of the buyers' free shipping and I have noticed that most do prefer the free shipping. I do this because I love doing free shipping when I purchase through eBay and I want others to feel the same way I do. Personally I do not increase my prices on my books, even though I do not charge for shipping but I have noticed other sellers that will charge a few cents more in replacement not charging for shipping. 

4. Book Lots
                This is the best tip that I can give anyone. If you have books that belong in a series, or books that hold a similar genre; do not sell them separately but put them together in a lot and sell them that way. It will make buyers more interested in what you have to sell since one book of a series does not sell as easily or as quickly when compared to a book series, or books of similar genres. 

Well these are all of my tips to how I sell books online. I do so hope that they help you. I have also included three links from eBay that should be able to give you more information if anyone requires it. And again I hope that my tips can help you. 

eBay Listing Flow:


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