Thursday, November 26, 2015

Update & Great Changes on the Way.

First off, let me apologize for not updating this blog like I should be doing. But rest assured I do plan on changing that with the coming up year.

I want to make this blog successful and in order to do that I need to up my game and get my mind back into reviewing. Cause I'll be honest, this year has been a bit hellish for my family but things are finally looking up so I feel that I can now give this blog the concentration that I feel it deserves.

However, in the month of December I am not going to be posting any reviews but rather I will be going over my technique of reviewing and seeing how I can make that better. I want to change the layout of this blog and I want to make it more enjoyable for those that read it.

I want to be able to look at this blog at the end of next year and be proud of what I accomplished. I want to give good and honest reviews that go into great detail and not those that last only a sentence or two.

Not to say that I won't be busy in December as I do have a couple more blogs that I post on and if anyone is interested, I will link them at the end of this update. I want to gather some good products so that I can start January 2016 off right by posting several reviews a week. Now I'm not sure if I can do this every week but I am going to try my best. I'm also going to go out of my way to email companies to see if they would be willing to send samples so that I can review them for my readers. I am going to be more outgoing with this blog and enjoy it more than I did this previous year.

So I guess it can be said that I'm starting my New Years' Resolutions list a bit early this year but I know that I will need the time to be prepared. I hope that I can make this blog into something that others will enjoy and I want my readers to know that they can help me as well. If anyone has a product that they want to see reviewed then please feel free to leave a comment on this post! I would love to hear from you guys to see exactly what you would be interested in seeing. And I will try my best to review each requested product :-)

I guess that's it for this update. Until Next Year...which is only a month away, seriously am I the only one who thought this year just seemed to fly by?

Weight Loss Journey Blog:
Daily Zen Quote Blog:

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