Saturday, July 22, 2017

Product Review - Karma Water Probiotics

Hello all and welcome to another review!

I recently had the opportunity to try Karma Water Probiotics and I can't believe that I haven't tried it before now. Now for those that don't know Karma Water, it is essentially vitamin water but instead of being premixed; the vitamins are contained above the water in a push cap. So when one is ready to drink it, one can simply push the vitamins into the water and shake it up themselves. The reason for this design is because vitamins deteriorate in the water in premixed water; and in this way one can get the maximum amount of vitamins in your water. For those interested, I will include the link to the Karma Water website; so feel free to check it out.

Now I have tried Karma Water before having seen it on a trip to Whole Foods where my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to try it. And I never regretted it. The water itself is good on its own but when you add the vitamin powder to it, it just brings the taste to the next level. However this was the first time that I have tried any kind of probiotic or digestive health and I can't believe that it has taken me this long to try it. I have now started drinking it at least twice a week and I must say that I have noticed a great improvement. I haven't felt this good in a long time and I know it is thanks to Karma Water Probiotics.

The flavors that I tried were Strawberry Lemonade, Kiwi Melon and Tropical Coconut. (I will include pictures at the end of this review) I knew that I would love the Strawberry Lemonade as strawberries are one of my favorite fruits. But I admit that I was on the fence when it came to the other flavors, especially the Tropical Coconut. This is because I am not the biggest fan of coconut and as such I tend to stay away from products that have that flavor. But I was willing to take the chance with this flavor and I am so glad that I did. Not only was the coconut so subtle in this drink, it made me feel like I was enjoying a cool tropical drink on the beach. The Kiwi Melon was a bit on the tart side but it was still really good.

I learned that with me, I got the most out of these drinks when I drank them in the morning before I ate breakfast. But I also have a friend that drinks them as well but she says with her that she feels that it works better for her if she drinks it before she goes to bed. So I'm guessing it is different for everyone when it's best to drink it.

As I said previously, I am drinking two of these a week and I feel fantastic. My previous stomach issues vanished after a few weeks and I am content to keep them that way. There isn't much else that I can say about this product but I highly recommend that you go out and try it for yourselves. I mean what can you lose? And if you're not interested in trying out the Karma Water Probiotic line, they have a line for just overall health such as mental health and even a drink to help balance out your mood (one of my personal favorites I might add). And as I said earlier, I will link their website below as well as the pictures from the products that I tried.

Until Next Time!

Karma Water Website -

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Product Review - Tropicana Watermelon Juice

Image Source: My Own
Since the end of March, I have completely cut sodas or any carbonated drinks out of my diet completely. And while I am loving the results, I find myself in search of something that has flavor but is not has harmful to my body as sodas are. So I've been trying a few non-carbonated drinks and I'm happy to say that I have quite a few of them that I have fallen in love with. The first being is what I'm going to review today, the Tropicana Watermelon Juice.

Now I'm not really a big fan of the Tropicana Orange Juice, mostly because it tends to give me slight heartburn so I stay away from it if I can. However, when I saw this juice in my local Dollar General; I admit that I was instantly curious. I wanted to see if it the drink would be overly sweet and whatnot. So I decided to give it a try and I must say that I wasn't disappointed at all.

The juice itself is not overly sweet at all, it is the perfect sweetness; at least to me it is. And much to my surprise it doesn't taste like someone just juiced a watermelon and put it in a bottle. There is some effort put forth in the making of this juice and I for one appreciate the effort.

And while there is only 90 calories per serving in this drink, serving size being 8 fl oz; it is the amount of sugar and added sugars that would prevent from drinking this drink as much as I would like to. The amount of sugar per serving is 22 grams and added sugar is also 22 grams. If you want to leave more about it, I will leave the link that I found out this information at the end of this review.

So while it is in fact a little healthier for one to drink when compared to sodas & other carbonated drinks, you still need to go easy on it when considering the sugar that is in it. Speaking for myself, I can't drink a full serving of this when I drink it. I usually only get about 4 fl oz or less due to the fact that not only do I not want to consume all of that sugar but I also do not want burn myself out on the drink itself.

Well that's it for this review, it was pretty short and sweet but the next one will be a bit longer as I am reviewing not just one product but a few from a company.

Until Next Time!

Tropicana Watermelon Juice Info