Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Thoughts On My Influenster College VoxBox 2012

Influenster College Voxbox 2012 Review

Yeah I know that I said I would have had this up by last night, or was it the night before. But life happened and I ended up having to complete two major papers for my college class. Anyway I'm about to give a full review over the items that I received in my College VoxBox from Influenster. I'm sure by now everyone knows that the items are and whatnot but I shall also be including a picture with each review just in case. Also at the end of this blog, I will link a video from my YouTube account of me opening this VoxBox.

Okay, now onto the review. Oh before I forget, I would like to state that neither Influenster nor the companies who these products belong to, are paying me for my opinion nor do they have any influence on my opinions of these products. My opinions on these products are completely my own.

The first product from my College VoxBox that I am going to review is the ImPress Press-On Manicure:
I would like to start off by saying that I was very impressed with the quality of these nails. I have had acrylic nails on before, both professional done and those that can be bought from most stores to be placed on at home. I had the impression that these nails would be similar to those that one could buy at any store for a few dollars. What a shock I got when I put these nails on. I discovered that these nails were almost exact copies of the nails that are at the nail salon. Sure there were some differences, as these nails have a much softer and pliable feel to them but for me I hardly noticed. I was only able to keep these nails on for a couple of hours after I put them on, which this leads into my only complaint about these nails. They were entirely too small for my nails. It wasn't the length of them, no that was perfect. It was the fact that after a couple of hours, the nails started to feel tight on my nails and it was becoming painful. If these nails came in slightly bigger sizes for larger nails, I would definitely repurchase these myself. I loved the pattern that mine came in, I think it was Wink Wink. The retail price for these nails are $5.99 for colors and $7.99 for patterns. And again I would much rather purchase these for say a wedding, special occasion, graduation, etc; than for me to sit down for two hours and forking out nearly $50.00 to get my nails done when I can get the same look with these nails, in not even half the time and less than half the cost. So I have nothing but positive things to say about this product, well except for the size issue but I'm hoping that the company will come out with slightly larger nail sizes.

The next product that I am going to be reviewing is the NYC New York Color Show Time Glitter Eyeliner Pencil:
Okay, I am the first one to admit that I do not wear any kind of makeup at all, unless its Chapstick or lip-balm and even then it has to be utterly clear. But I decided to go out on a branch and try this eyeliner as I have heard good things about the brand. Well since I used to wear makeup when I was younger, I pretty much knew how to put on eyeliner, I mean it doesn't take a genius to do that. What I didn't count on was that a tiny piece of the glitter would get into my eye. Ow that hurt. And to make matters worse apparently there is something in makeup that just makes my skin break out. I mean I knew my skin was very sensitive but really? I had to wash it off both of my eyes right away and even then my eyes were irritated for at least two hours after. I'm not saying that this is a bad product at all, I'm just saying that this product isn't for me. So I gave it to my sister, who seems to not have sensitive skin at all, and she wears it perfectly. It looks so good on her and just makes her eyes pop. So even though this product isn't right for me, it may be right for one of you reading this blog. Just make sure that your skin isn't overly sensitive like mine. The retail price of this product is $2.49 per pencil, which seems to be a very good deal.

The next product I am going to be reviewing is the Necco Tropical Wafers:
I was a bit apprehensive about trying this candy wafers but that was only because I haven't tried them before. But now that I have tried them, I am happy I did so. The flavors were just perfect for the small candy, it was not overpowering in the least. I will admit that I have never liked the flavor of mint or coconut but with these I found myself loving the taste. They are a bit hard if you just bite into them, but I learned from reading something that another reviewer on Influenster, that if you just let the small candy melt in your mouth that the flavor gets even better. And boy was she right! I can't wait to go out and buy some more of these as I found these to be a great thing to keep by my computer when I am doing classwork. The retail price of these wafers are $1.25 for each, $24.00 per Box and $37.50 per Tub. Something tells me I may need to invest in a tub of these for my next college semester.

The next product that I am going to be reviewing is the Pentel EnerGel-X Campaign:
Okay, I was very excited to get this pen. Why some of you ask? Well its because I have an addiction to pens. Like I collect them or something to that extent. I have pens of all shapes, sizes, and colors but I did not have one like this. This pen, writes in violet, but its the smoothest gel pen that I have ever written with in years. I know that Pentel is a great company for making pens and pencils but they have overdone themselves with this one I believe. I have enjoyed writing with this pen since I got it and I cannot wait to go out and buy more in every other color. See what did I say, I have a pen addiction. I am a penaholic. Oh well, I suppose there are worse things in the world. The pen itself retails for about $1.90 per pen, which is the usual price for pens. But out of all the pens that I have ever tried, I highly suggest this one if you want a smooth appearance in your writing.

And the last product that I am going to review is the Energy Sheets:
Now I have tried the 5 hour Energy Shots, now I take the 5 Hour Energy Extra Strength so I decided that I would give these a shot. I must admit that I love the fact that they do seem to give me almost instant energy, which is great since I've had two papers due this week and have completed them both. But the two things that I am not crazy about in this product is the taste and the texture when it starts to dissolve. The taste leaves more of a bad taste in my mouth that seemed to last there thirty minutes after letting is dissolve fully. And that brings up another issue that I had with it. Even when I thought that it had dissolved fully, it still stuck in the back of my throat for quite a while. I don't think that I will purchase these again but I do plan on using the ones that I still have left in the box that was sent. The retail for this product is $5.95 per pack of 10 sheets. They do work with giving you energy but you have to overlook the texture and taste.

I hope my blog was informative about my thoughts of the products that I received from the Influenster College VoxBox 2012. If you have any comments or tips to how I can make this blog better please feel free to leave them in the comments below.
I hope that I will be getting another VoxBox so that I can do another review such as this.
And here is the link to my YouTube video of me opening this VoxBox.

See you guys soon!

Monday, November 19, 2012

I got my College VoxBox!

I got my College VoxBox!

Okay, so I'm so excited that I finally got my College VoxBox 2012 from Influenster that I couldn't wait to do a full blog post about it. So I decided to put up a small blog saying that I received it. I plan on making a video on YouTube, posting another more detailed blog about the products and all as well as putting up pictures on Pinterest and also here on this blog as well.
These should all be up by later on tonight so keep on the watch!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Waiting for my first VoxBox.

Waiting for my very first VoxBox from Influenster. And I can honestly say that I cannot wait to get mine. I know that a few people have already gotten theirs and they have surely posted videos and pictures of what they got in theirs. I am resisting looking them up as I want mine to be a surprise when I open it.

I thought that I heard from someone that uses Influenster that each box is different, even though the theme remains the same throughout that month. If anyone knows if this is true or not, please feel free to comment below.

Hopefully my next post will be that I have received my VoxBox!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Addicted to Influenster

Addicted to Influenster

Influenster is very addicting. I have just discovered then when I realized how long I had spent doing random surveys, reviews, answering questions and just looking up random information on the site. I have spent nearly 10 hours all together on this site and I was not once bored. I have never sat so long and just typed. So I tip my hat to you Influenster, you know how to grab and keep attention.

If I come across as complaining then I have come across wrong. I don't mind being addicted to Influenster. I find it fun and very enjoyable. Its just hard to believe that I have spent nearly 10 hours doing things on this site, or linking up my other social media to this site. And I can't help but wonder how long I'll be spending on there when I get my first VoxBox.

Thoughts about Influenster

Thoughts about Influenster

I'm going to be completely honest when I first heard about, my first impression was that this site wasn't for me. I don't consider myself a girly-girl. I'm more of the geeky gamer girl, if I had to categorize myself. I don't like wearing make-up, unless its lip balm (clear chap-stick) and I a most definitely not up-to-date on the latest fashions or even the latest trends. I would rather spend my time gaming, or on the computer doing schoolwork. At 25 years old, I suppose this seems a bit outstretched but this is where I am most comfortable as it is my element.
Anyway, as I said when I first heard about, I thought that this site had nothing to offer me. How wrong was I! As I started getting deeper into what this site was about, I found that this site had plenty to offer me as it does with anyone who signs up.
Influenster is a free site that offers great deals, free products and swag for its members. And the membership fee...FREE! That's right, this site is completely free. One of the first things that I liked about Influenster, along with many other things. Another one of the great things that I like about is that they have great product reviews that are not given by the companies themselves but regular people who can easily be related to. I mean, doesn't it make you want to purchase this product for yourself after you've read nearly 30 reviews about how wonderful it is that are written by people who gain nothing from reviewing about the product? Its great! Well, the members of Influenster that do review on products do get something out of but its not the site that gives it to them but other members. When a member's product review is rated as being helpful, then and only then do they receive a Influenster point that is added to their account/profile. Now as for the reason for these points, I'll explain that right now.
When you earn points on Influenster, which are received by getting positive ratings on your products reviews or vlogs/blogs that you have posted about Influenster, your chances of receiving a VoxBox goes up substantially. Now what is a VoxBox you ask? Well a VoxBox is a monthly box that is FREE, that's right FREE, that Influenster sends out every month. The boxes are never the same and change from month to month with different themes. I have been selected this month to receive their College VoxBox, which I will do a blog/vlog review on as soon as I receive it. You can also fill out surveys in order to increase your chances.
I hope that my post, though short, makes you want to join this site and start earning your points! If you require more information about the site, I am putting the link to the site at the end of this post.
See you in the next post!

More information can be found at

Background of Influenster

Background of Influenster

I have been a member of since May of this year. I found out about this site through videos that can be found on YouTube.
Let me give a little background on It is a site that is free to join, that offers great deals, free products and swag for its members. Its very easy to become a member and once you are, you start earning Influenster points. You earn points and badges based off of your interest and whatnot. If you fill out surveys, you could earn a free VoxBox, which is a free themed box that Influenster releases monthly. They make a limited amount of these boxes, so make sure you fill out surveys.

If you want more information about this site, then go visit for more detail.

**I know that this post is very short but I did not want to mix two posts into the same one.**