Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thoughts about Influenster

Thoughts about Influenster

I'm going to be completely honest when I first heard about, my first impression was that this site wasn't for me. I don't consider myself a girly-girl. I'm more of the geeky gamer girl, if I had to categorize myself. I don't like wearing make-up, unless its lip balm (clear chap-stick) and I a most definitely not up-to-date on the latest fashions or even the latest trends. I would rather spend my time gaming, or on the computer doing schoolwork. At 25 years old, I suppose this seems a bit outstretched but this is where I am most comfortable as it is my element.
Anyway, as I said when I first heard about, I thought that this site had nothing to offer me. How wrong was I! As I started getting deeper into what this site was about, I found that this site had plenty to offer me as it does with anyone who signs up.
Influenster is a free site that offers great deals, free products and swag for its members. And the membership fee...FREE! That's right, this site is completely free. One of the first things that I liked about Influenster, along with many other things. Another one of the great things that I like about is that they have great product reviews that are not given by the companies themselves but regular people who can easily be related to. I mean, doesn't it make you want to purchase this product for yourself after you've read nearly 30 reviews about how wonderful it is that are written by people who gain nothing from reviewing about the product? Its great! Well, the members of Influenster that do review on products do get something out of but its not the site that gives it to them but other members. When a member's product review is rated as being helpful, then and only then do they receive a Influenster point that is added to their account/profile. Now as for the reason for these points, I'll explain that right now.
When you earn points on Influenster, which are received by getting positive ratings on your products reviews or vlogs/blogs that you have posted about Influenster, your chances of receiving a VoxBox goes up substantially. Now what is a VoxBox you ask? Well a VoxBox is a monthly box that is FREE, that's right FREE, that Influenster sends out every month. The boxes are never the same and change from month to month with different themes. I have been selected this month to receive their College VoxBox, which I will do a blog/vlog review on as soon as I receive it. You can also fill out surveys in order to increase your chances.
I hope that my post, though short, makes you want to join this site and start earning your points! If you require more information about the site, I am putting the link to the site at the end of this post.
See you in the next post!

More information can be found at

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