Friday, September 26, 2014


Just thought I would put up a quick update explaining about some new upcoming posts. 
I have decided to put more effort into this blog than I had before. I plan to put up a new post once a week, possibly more posts. 
Once again, the posts that I put up in which I give my first impressions and review on items/products are of my own thoughts. I am not being paid for by any company to write about their products. The products that I do first impressions and reviews on are either free samples that I get, products in monthly subscription boxes or products that I have went out and bought with my own money. 
I also want to become more active on my YouTube channel but I can't make a promise that I'm going to be able to; as I am in college studying for my Bachelors' and that takes up quite a bit of my time so I doubt that I will be able to increase my activity on YouTube. 
But this blog will be updated on a weekly basis, sometimes bi-weekly. 
So please feel free to leave comments on products that you would like to see a review on. They can be products, TV-Shows, music, etc. I'm gonna try my best to make this blog a success for both me and for my readers! 
Until next time! 

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