Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Product Review - Diet Snapple Singles-To-Go

Now let's all be honest with ourselves; we know that drinking water is good for us but I know for me personally that drinking plain water gets kinda boring after a while. And I'm sure that there are people out there that do enjoy the taste of plain water but I feel that a majority of people agree with me that the taste does get boring.

Luckily for me and people like me, this is where water enhancers and/or drink mixes come into play. Today, I'm going to reviewing one of these products. The product that I'm going to be reviewing today is Diet Snapple Singles-To-Go. I got this product a few months back and fell in love with the taste. My flavor of choice is the Lemon Tea; which is a blend of black and green tea. This packs this mix with antioxidants with vitamins C, E & A. And all-in-all, each packet of mix is only 5 calories!

I get mine from my local grocery store when it comes in a box of 6 packets for less than $1.00. And while this is a great deal, it has crossed my mind to purchase this product in bulk because I love the flavor so much. That and I know that I will not get tired of this flavor because I love both black and green tea. So the fact that I can drink a combination of both of my favorite flavors, I am happy and content.

There isn't much else I can say about this product other than recommending everyone to go and try it. And don't worry if Lemon Tea isn't to your taste, it comes in a variety of flavors!

Until Next Time!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Dollar Tree Product Review - Eye Pads

Today, I am going to be reviewing another dollar tree product. And this product is going to be eye pads. I've seen this product several times but I just never put too much thought into the effectiveness of it. However, my curiosity peeked finally and I decided to give this product a try.

The product itself is a simple design of a slim box. In each box there are two foil packets that hold two eye pads each. There were a couple of different options of eye pads but I chose the revitalizing eye pads; which came in a purple box. The eye pads were in an air tight foil packet as I said that was filled with the product. The application process took a mere few seconds and the eye pads stay on for 15 minutes.

When I first opened the foil packet, I was a bit surprised to see how the eye pads were kept. They weren't separated at all; instead placed together in the pack and soaked with the product. The product was a clear jelly like substance. There was no backing on the eye pads as with other eye pads that I have tried in the past. Like I said, both eye pads were soaked with this jelly-like product. There was so much product in fact, that I had to squeeze off the product in order to be able to place the eye pads under my eyes so that they wouldn't slip off. Now I'm not complaining about this amount of product, it was nice to have eye pads that were soaked instead of being so dry that they are stiff. However the amount of product made it harder to grab and maneuver the eye pads because they were so slippery.

After applying the eye pads, I immediately noticed the cooling effect. The eye pads themselves were soft and didn't have sharp/coarse edges that I have noticed seem to be a trend for other "cheap" eye pads that I have tried over the years.

I noticed that even after 15 minutes had passed, that the eye pads weren't hard or dried out. It still had plenty of product left on it so I feel that if one could figure out how to store these so that they wouldn't dry out; that maybe one pair of eye pads can be used more than once.

I was pleased with the instant results that I noticed after using this product. Not only did my skin look and feel healthier but I could also tell the difference in how tight my skin felt. Not bad tight though, but a tightness that one wants whenever one spends a bunch of money on a product that promises a younger look.

Another thing that I was pleasantly surprised was that it didn't break and/or dry out my skin. This is a pretty big deal to me because my skin pretty sensitive, especially when it comes to trying out new products.

All in all, I highly recommend trying out this product. I mean not only is this a great product but it's not like you are going to break the bank by purchasing it. So you really can't lose in my opinion.

Until Next Time!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Dollar Tree Product Review - Sure Scents Air Fresheners


Today I'm going to be giving my honest review on an item that I found at my local Dollar Tree. I'm thinking about doing one of these at least once a week or more; so tell me what you guys think!

The item that I'm going to be reviewing is an air freshener product called Sure Scents. This item was of course only $1.00 and it was an 8 oz size product. They come in different scents and they all smell amazing to me! The scent I chose however was Apple Cinnamon and this was because I purchased a few of these back at the beginning of December. This was because I wanted to really have them in my home for a month in order to find out if they did a good job.

They didn't do a good job, they did a great job! The scent hasn't diminished at all and I have them all over my home in several seperate rooms. The scent is held within tiny balls that are very squishy. Sometimes I would swish the little balls around to increase the scent coming from them but overall I am very satisfied with this product. I also love how you can reuse the container because as time goes on the tiny scent balls disappear so all you have to do is replace them! And lucky enough Dollar Tree sells the refills! For me personally, I wouldn't buy one scent in a container and then refill it with a different scent but that's just me because I don't like to mix scents. But I wouldn't throw away the containers, I would reuse them if I could and if not, then recycle them.

My house smells so good and the scent balls are only halfway gone in a couple of the containers; so they last well over a month! And I have them in pretty big rooms. But I have noticed that the smaller room that I have place them in, the slower the scent balls disappear. So if you have big rooms in your home, my suggestion would be getting a few of them and placing them in areas around the room.

And let's be honest, you're only spending about $3 for a few products compared to spending about $3 for just one. And I will say that you are getting more quality by paying more for a product but let's be honest, everyone loves a deal. And I'll be honest, I'd rather buy these again and again because I love this product so much! I can't wait to see if they bring out different scents. Because from what I can tell from my numerous trips to the Dollar Tree, they always keep these in stock so that's awesome!

Well that's the end of this review, let me know what you guys think about me reviewing a Dollar Tree item every week or so. I have another Dollar Tree product that I'm going to be reviewing later on this week!

Until Next Time!