Saturday, January 2, 2016

Product Review: Biscoff Cookies from Influenster Jingle VoxBox

My Biscoff Morning

Hello Everyone! And welcome to the first of several reviews for my Influenster Jingle VoxBox that I received from them. This is the first of several to come so be on the lookout.

The first product that I wanted to review are the Biscoff Cookies. The cost of these cookies is $2.00 for a 250g pack; which isn't bad at all considering the high quality of these cookies.

And so let us begin the review!

I received not one pack but three packs of the Biscoff Cookies; each pack containing 2 cookies so I was able to test out this product for a few days which was fantastic. I love being able to try a product out more than one time so that I can get a real for the product itself, so thanks Influenster for that!

The first thing that I noticed about the cookies was their texture. While coming across as crumbly in the beginning, I loved the snap that they had when I first bit into them. They were hard but not too hard that I felt like I was going to chip a tooth; which is a huge plus to me because I don't like cookies that are too hard but I also don't like cookies that are too soft, so for me Biscoff really knows their way around a cookie.

Now I enjoyed my cookies for three days by having them in the morning with my morning cup of coffee. And in my honest opinion, I cannot believe that I haven't had these before with my coffee; as I found myself questioning my decision of coffee cookies as soon as I had taken my first bite!

The cookies themselves are sweet but not overly sweet, which in my opinion makes them a great cookie to have with a cup of hot coffee, chocolate and even tea. Now I've only personally tried it with coffee but I am planning on the next time I am able to pick these up to try them with hot tea and even hot chocolate. But like I said, while the biscuit was sweet it wasn't overly sweet when compared to other products that make cookies like this. It was quite refreshing to say the least and I was very happy that I was able to try these cookies.

And even though the cookies were crumbly, I can completely overlook it for the taste and how they just seemed to hug my taste-buds!

Also another thing that I personally noticed was that, even though they look like a very dry cookie; that it doesn't leave your mouth feeling dry at all! I was so surprised at this because I am use to having cookies with my coffee that seem to just absorb all of the moisture in my mouth, so it was very refreshing when I was enjoying Biscoff Cookies with my morning coffee that my mouth didn't get dry at all. So kudos to you Biscoff for making cookies this delicious.

I do highly recommend that these cookies are tried at least once by everyone! They really are quite delicious and I feel that everyone must experience their taste at least once. For those interested I will be leaving all of Biscoff Cookies Social Media Accounts at the end of this post, in case anyone wants to check them out for themselves!

Until Next Time!

Biscoff Social Media

Biscoff Facebook
Biscoff Instagram
Biscoff Twitter

Disclaimer:  I was sent all of these products free for review. I am not being paid for my opinions and all of my opinions/reviews are of my own words and thoughts, and have not been influenced by any outside person/company.

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