Monday, June 20, 2016

Graze Box Subscription Review

Hello all and welcome to another product review. In this review, I'm going to be reviewing Graze which is a monthly subscription box that gives you 4 to 8 snacks a month and costs $11.99. I contacted Graze a few weeks ago and asked if I could try out their box in exchange for a review and I'm so excited that they agreed whole-heartily. I was expecting just 4 snacks but to my extreme happiness they sent me 8 different snacks and I cannot wait to give my review on each of them because they all look so good and different than anything I ever tried before.

I simply love the look of the box. It is very simple but also high quality. The snacks were packaged very well within and didn't seem to have moved at all during transit, which is very nice. Each snack is packaged in a way that is easy for them to be carried in a lunch bag or a purse for easy on-the-go snacking. Which for someone who is trying to look for healthier snacks, I do appreciate the convenience and portion size of each of the these snacks. I also like the fact that in the box comes a piece of paper that includes all the nutrition facts of each of the snacks that come in the box. The nutrition facts also include a complete list of ingredients for each snack, which is great for anyone that has any type of food allergy or want to avoid a certain ingredient.

Garden of England
This snack is made up of mini strawberries, soft apple pieces and blackcurrants. It is really the perfect fruit snack in my opinion. The apples are sweet but not overly so while the strawberries and blackcurrants are a bit more sour but they blend together perfectly as you snack on them.This would be an excellent and filling snack to have with you when you're going out to the beach or evening going on a hike or a nice walk in the woods. Who am I kidding this snack is perfect for anytime that you're craving fruit.

Booster Seeds
This snack is a mixture of three different kinds of seeds: pumpkin, sunflower and flax-seed. Now I will say that I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't any salt on these seeds but that again is my personal preference. And to be honest, I've never tried pumpkin seeds before but I'm glad that I was able to try them. I will say that I did add just a bit of salt to these seeds but once again they were good without the salt; it is just that I like having a bit of seasoning to my seeds when I snack on them. I am still happy and glad that I tried these because I would have never found out that I really do like pumpkin seeds.

Smart Blondie
This is a little soft snack bar that is whole grain and is made with cinnamon and raisins. Now I've never been a fan of raisins but I do eat them from time to time and this was one of those times that I simply devoured this little snack bar. It was honestly the most perfectly mixed snack bar that I have tried in such a long time. It was filling and the balance of cinnamon and raisins was simply fantastic. It wasn't too much but it wasn't too little. It also tasted so fresh, like it had been just made the very day that I ate it. I continue to be impressed by the quality of snacks that Graze supplies in their boxes.

Graze Popping Corn
 Okay, can we please address the absolute adorableness that is this popcorn? It comes in such a tiny little bag that is perfect for taking with you to the office or anywhere that you have access to a microwave. A word of caution for this, please read the instructions because it is such a small bag of popcorn that it will burn easily if left in the microwave too long. The popcorn itself is seasoned with salt perfectly and doesn't need any extra, at least for me. I would compare it to Skinny Pop only a little bit less sweet which I do like. It was also a very filling snack as with other snacks in this box.

Thai Sweet Chili Bites
Sweet Chili Sauce with Baked Soy Bites
This little snack contains 8 Soy Bites and a tangy sweet chili sauce. The Sauce is spicy but not overly so, so it is very enjoyable even for someone that doesn't eat spicy food much or at all. The soy bites are lightly glazed and are delicious on their on but when dipped in the chili sauce, they are just simply an amazing combination. The bites are crispy in the way a very puffy baked chip is and they are so good on their on that I wouldn't mind just having a big bag of these just to snack on throughout the day. It gives a very very slight burn, just enough to tantalize ones' taste-buds and leaves you not wanting to wait for the next bite. And this little snack pack is only 80 calories! So good! My ultimate favorite out of this entire box! I have got to get my hands on this snack asap because I need it in my life.

Peanut Butter & Jelly
This little snack is made up of salted peanuts, raspberry strings and small cubes of vanilla fudge. Now I'm going to be honest here, the little raspberry strings freaked out a bit with their texture but I absolutely loved the taste. And when you eat one of each component that make up this little snack, it really does taste like you're eating peanut butter & jelly. The raspberry taste is very strong though so be warned if you're not really a fan of raspberry. But to be honest, even though I'm not a big fan of raspberries, I absolutely loved the taste of it. Definitely one of the oddest snacks but it has got to be one of my favorites as well!

Chocolate Pretzel
This pretzel snack contains 9 lightly salted pretzel sticks with cocoa & hazelnut dip to the side that goes really well with the pretzel sticks. The pretzel sticks are perfect for me because while they are crunchy, they're not rock hard so that it would hurt your teeth when you bite down on them. The pretzel sticks themselves aren't thin either but are pretty thick which is a nice change from the thin ones that can be found nearly everywhere. Another thing that I like about this packaging is that, on the cocoa & hazelnut dip it clearly says that it contains nuts now so this is a great thing considering how many people today have nut allergies. And just like with the other snacks it says how many calories the snack holds, which is 140 calories; which is pretty good considering how delicious this snack is, it is hard to imagine that it doesn't have more calories. Definitely one of my favorite snacks in this box.

Pumpkin Spice Flapjack
This snack comes with three sections of pretty good size so it is already a descent sized snack to begin with. This snack is basically a mix of rustic rolled oat flapjack with pumpkin spice. Now I have to be one of the few people on this Earth that is not completely obsessed with pumpkin spice. I've never really had a taste for it at all so I admit that I had my doubts when I first saw this snack, however I was pleasantly surprised at the taste. Other food/drink products that I've tried were just so over seasoned with the pumpkin spice that I found that it would quickly burn out my taste-buds. However, this was not the case at all with this snack. I found it very good, it had just enough pumpkin spice that you could taste it and enjoy the taste of the warm spice but not enough where you couldn't taste anything else. The bars themselves were pretty thick and so chewy! Definitely a snack I would bring with me for perhaps an after workout snack or even something to snack on in the afternoons instead of that bag of chips or candy bar.

But what I really found very interesting about this box was that each snack was so filling! When I mean filling is that I wasn't hungry for several hours after eating just one of these snacks. This is why I could only bring myself to eat one of the snacks daily; granted the other part was that I didn't want the experience to end but mostly it was because I was so full from eating just one snack that I felt I would end up wasting another snack if I were to try it.

This is by far one of my most favorite reviews that I have done. It was such a variety of snacks of all different flavors and textures. Graze has got to be one of my favorite food boxes out there today. And I want you to be able to try it too! So if you're interested in trying Graze, they have an awesome deal where you can get your first and fifth box for free by using the code LIZM1D4DB and just thank me (Shannon) and you can get your first and fifth box for free! Also you can cancel anytime you like!

Thanks again to Graze for sending me a box to review! I really did enjoy the snacks! 

Well that's it for this review! Keep an eye out for another review of a different subscription box. Here's a hint, if you love Japanese snacks then you'll want to know more about this box!

Until Next Time!

Disclaimer: I was not paid for my review. Yes I was sent this box for free but my thoughts and views on these snacks are of my own opinion. The pictures were also taken by me.

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