Monday, July 11, 2016

Cutex Advanced Revival Nail Polish Remover Pads Review

Today I'm going to be reviewing a product that I received from my recent Voxbox from Influenster, the Goddess Voxbox. This product is just one of several products that came within this Voxbox, so be on the lookout for more reviews coming soon.

I have seen these nail polish remover pads around for quite some time yet I never have picked them up for myself. This is mostly due to past experiences with products that are similar to this and promise the same results; and I have been burned too many times so I just learned to stay away from products such as this one.

But since I had gotten a few pads for few, I figured what did I have to lose to try it out since I didn't spend any money on it so if I didn't like it, it wouldn't mean that I had wasted my money on something that didn't live up to it's promise once again.

However before even opening the small pack to reveal the pad, I already noticed a difference in this nail polish remover pad that the ones that I had tried previous lacked...moisture. All other previous nail polish remover pads that I had tried were all so dry that it seemed like there was no product on the pad at all. I hated that feeling on my nails cause it always made me think that I was scuffing up my nails with these harsh pads. And another thing that I noticed about the Cutex pads was that instead of being made with cotton like many other nail polish remover pads are, they are made of felt; which makes them extra soft and luxurious feeling to your nails.

But Cutex pads weren't like the ones I've tried before. They were saturated in nail polish remover! It was fantastic and moist but not overly; just the right amount one would need to remove fingernail polish from ones' nails. And wow they do such a great job! I was able to remove the fingernail polish on not only one hand but on both and the pad still had moisture and space left over, so I could have possibly removed fingernail polish from someone else's nails as well! Sadly I couldn't try this but next time I am able to I want to test that theory out.

Another thing that I liked about these nail polish remover pads was that no matter how saturated with nail polish they seem to be, the scent of nail polish wasn't overpowering in the least. Since I have such a sensitive nose, I have to be careful what products I use and how much of a chemical smell they possess. But with these pads, I don't see myself having that problem ever which is so nice not to have to worry about something like that and have to sacrifice a great product due to an overpowering scent.

There isn't much else to say about this product as it really is a simple product but one so useful that I want to run out to the store and stock up. It also helps to know that the Cutex pads packed with botanical oils that help strengthen and nourish nails! I can't wait to see if these pads will make a difference after I use them for a little while.

Well that's it for this review!

Keep on the look out for more reviews coming your way!

Until Next Time!

#SoCutex, #HealthyNails #contest.

Disclaimer: I was sent this product free to review it. My words and opinions are of my own and they are not influenced by outside venues. 


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