Saturday, October 1, 2016

31 Days of Horror Movie Reviews - Halloween 2016

Hello all.

Once again let me apologize for not posting a review in some time. There are personals reasons as to why I haven't been reviewing the way I want to but this is something that I really want to keep up with so I'm hoping that I will be able to post daily for this month.

This month me and one of my closest friends have made it a goal to watch one horror movie every night for the entire month. We have a list of 31 movies along with a list of backup movies if we don't feel up to watching the ones on the main list.

We have already finished the one for tonight so keep an eye out for that movie review to come soon.

Now please be aware that I know that my opinions on these movies will not be for everyone; because we all know that we are very different when it comes to horror movies. There are some people who love them and can watch them constantly; such as myself and my friend. But there are also some that just cannot stand to watch them no matter how horrofying they may be. So please keep this in mind as you read the reviews for this month.

Also I am going to put this warning here as well as in the beginning of every review, please expect some spoilers. I will try my hardest not to give anything away but I am merely human so I expect that I will slip up a few times. However I will try my hardest to with-hold any major spoilers.

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