Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Gillette Treo Razor Review

First let me apologize for not updating this blog in several months...almost a year I think. I have no excuse only that life kinda blind-sided me but now everything is going great. So keep an eye out for several reviews over the next couple of weeks as I have several that I need to catch up on.

Gillette Treo
Today's review is going to be for the Gillette Treo Razor. This razor was released last year and I was one of the lucky few that were able to get their hands on it to try it out. The reason being is that for those that do not know, I am a caregiver. I have been the main caregiver for my grandfather and my mentally handicapped uncle for the last 10 years or more. So I am always looking for something that not only makes every day tasks easier for them but for me as well.

This razor caught my attention cause it was created in order to make shaving easier and for me that was something that I was very interested in trying. My grandfather is 84 so shaving himself has become quite the task over the last few years as not only his eyesight becoming worse but his balance as well; so he cannot stand up for long periods of time. The same cannot be said for my uncle, who is just not able to shave himself without cutting himself in one way or another. So I am the one that shaves them and I try my hardest to make it easy on them. For my uncle, it's not difficult for me cause I have been shaving him the longest but with my grandfather, I know that I have to be a extra careful due to him being older and the fact that he is a diabetic; so a cut for him could mean something worse.

When I first tried out the Treo, I was surprised by how tiny it seemed. This little thing was suppose to
Before Shaving
shave a grown man's beard? I couldn't believe it. And it wasn't suppose to cut them, which was something that other razors have claimed to prevent over the years. But after trying out the Treo after the first time, I was amazed. The shaving cream that is contained in the handle of the razor works to help stiffen the beard hair in order to make shaving easier. It is gentle on the skin and has a pleasant scent to it which all of us enjoyed. The blade itself was an interesting design to say the least. The razor itself was designed to glide back and forth over the skin, like one would do with a paint brush on a canvas. It is this design that makes it easier for not only caregivers to use but for elderly to use themselves. Cause they are not removing the blade every few seconds to clean it but rather gliding it back and forth over their skin.

After only ONE pass! Amazing!
The shaving cream, well actually gel, not only helps stiffen the hair but it also leaves the skin feeling super smooth. It it definitely a product that I would go out of my way to purchase again and again because it truly does work the way that it claims. And I'm not sure if it's luck or something else, but neither my grandfather nor my uncle have suffered any cuts from this razor since I began using them since the middle of last year; whereas when I used other razors, no matter how careful I was they always ended up with either razor burn (grandfather) or tiny cuts due to their thick beards (uncle).

I highly recommend this razor to anyone who knows an elderly person that needs something better to help them shave with or if you, yourself, are a caregiver. This will make shaving much less stressful; despite it being such a menial task or something that many people wouldn't stress over. But unless you are a caregiver, or you personally know a caregiver then one cannot understand how much it helps to just make something seem so menial easier. It does take wonders of stress off that's for sure, and I once again Gillette for sending me the Gillette Treo to try. And I have recommended it to not only other caregivers that I know of but even nurses and home health nurses who have seen the razor in our bathroom or in our personal things when we are out and about. I am more than happy to make someone's else life a bit easier! :-)

Until Next Time!

Disclaimer: I was not paid for my review for the Gillette Treo. I received it free and was asked to give my honest opinion of it.

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