Saturday, June 29, 2019

V8 Hydrate – Strawberry & Cucumber

I have been drinking V8 juice for several years and recently have become slightly addicted the V8 Energy drinks. So when I was in the store last time, I was gonna grab me a pack of them but this caught my eye; so I picked this up as well.
I know I am not the only one that loves the combination of Strawberry and Cucumber, so I couldn't pass this up. The price was pretty good for a 6 pack of these little cans, coming in just a little bit under $4.00 (which is about the price of the V8 Energy drinks as well). I let them chill in my fridge overnight and awoke the next morning to try my first one.
Let me say this, OMG it tasted so good! With all of V8's products, each one contains one serving of vegetables and depending on what flavor you get to drink; you might not even notice the vegetables at all. With this flavor, all I could taste was strawberries with a light refreshing hint of cucumber. However, when my friend tried it she told me that all she could taste was tomato; so everyone could taste something different.
After drinking this first thing in the morning, I noticed that I was a bit more awake and aware than I usually was. And I noticed that I didn't get as thirsty throughout the rest of the morning that I felt well hydrated. I plan on buying these again; they seem especially good to have around during the heat of the summer, to excite the taste-buds with something other than plan water. We all get tired of drinking water, or at least I do and I need something a bit different tasting but something that is also good for me. I think this product fits that description perfectly. 

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