Thursday, February 28, 2013

Review on Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray

Okay, I will be the first to admit that my hair despises hair spray of any kind of nature. I mean seriously! Its like my hair has a vendetta against all hair spray. Well it did until this hair spray. Not Your Mother's Beach Babe Texturizing Sea Salt Spray has finally tamed my hair it seems. This product took my frizzy, unruly curly hair and seemed to tame it to a more managable mane. My hair is naturally thick, curly and frizzy so I admit that I had my doubts before testing out this product. But now that I have, I do like the results.

The spray itself, smells so good compared to others that I have smelled. This one actually has a scent of the beach, and it lingers as well. I've had it in my hair for about two hours now and it smells just as good now as when I first put it in. It really does make you feel like you've been at the beach all day, I love it! It doesn't have that chemical smell at all, which is a plus for me since products that have heavily scented chemicals tend to give me quite a headache. But this spray hasn't even give me the inkling of one, which makes me loves Not Your Mother's products even more. I honestly cannot wait to try out more hair products from this company. Perhaps something that could help me control my frizz, with the summer coming up.

I have enclosed a before and after picture at the end of this blog. Decide for yourselves if this product is right for you. And if not, well Not Your Mother's has a ton of different products, so they will literally have something for everyone.

I am also including a few links that I would like anyone who reads this review to check out.
Link back to the Not Your Mother's® website:
 Link to the Beach Babe page:
And the link to the She's a Tease page:

I received this product free from for review purposes only

This picture is before I used the Spray
This picture is after I used the Spray


  1. Did you put this in your hair while it was wet, or already dry?

  2. I had put this on my hair while it was dry. I haven't tried to put it on it wet yet but I was planning on trying that soon
