Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Live Bear Naked Granola Review - Influenster BlossomVoxBox 2015

Now I've never been one to like granola. Truth be told I stayed away from the stuff as much as I could. Now that is not to way that I haven't ever tried it, I have but nothing of what I tasted left an impression on me.

However, when I tried Live Bear Naked Granola I was pleasantly surprised. The flavors that I received in my Influenster Blossom VoxBox were Sea Salt Caramel Apple and Coconut Almond Curry. Now I'm not a fan of Coconut so I admit that I had my doubts when I saw the second flavor. But I made myself a promise the first of the year that I would be more open to try new things. So tried them I did and I must admit that I have never rushed out of my door fast enough in order to find these delicious granola snacks.

My favorite flavor between the two has got to be the Sea Salt Caramel Apple but I'm not totally put off the Coconut Almond Curry flavor either, its just too sweet for me to have a lot of it. But I did run out and get two bags, one of each flavor that I had tried and they have now become a staple in my cabinets.

When I'm craving something sweet and savory, I get out my Coconut Almond Curry and put it into a small bowl with a couple of spoonfuls of Yoplait Vanilla Yogurt and that just pleases my taste buds to no end. And when I want something that is still savory but a bit more tart, I just reach for a handful of the Sea Salt Caramel Almond. I must admit that I love getting a little baggy of the Sea Salt when I'm about to go out for a walk and I munch on that a little before I start my walk and when I'm finishing. I find that this granola flavor works better with water than the other.

I am glad +Influenster gave me the opportunity to try out this product for free! I can't wait to find more flavors of @LiveBearNaked and try them.

Until next time!

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