Monday, May 18, 2015

Nasoya Pasta Zero Noodles Review - Influenste Blossom VoxBox

This is a product that was interesting to begin with as I have never heard of this brand before receiving it in my Influenster Blossom VoxBox. But I am always up to trying something new and expanding my palette so I was more than willing to give it a try.

Now the noodles did come with a recipe but I decided that I wanted to try out a recipe that I make all the time with egg noodles. The recipe that was included in the noodles can be found on the Nasoya Website along with many other recipes. I will link the website down below as well as the recipe that I used in order to make my noodle dish.

The first thing about these noodles that I noticed was that the package came with liquid inside of it, soaking the noodles. So per the instructions, I opened the package and rinsed off the noodles with water. When I opened the package I noticed that the noodles had a very earthy smell, now usually that would not be appealing to me at all but for some reason it seemed to work with these noodles. Also I will be adding pictures at the end of this post to show the noodles and the base ingredients that I used in the sauce.

Now I'm not going to say that I feel in love with the taste immediately because that is not the case. I can't really describe the taste like I want to but I can already tell that it will not be everyone's favorite. Not to say that its bad, because its not at all but that everyone has particular taste when it comes to noodles and I feel that these noodles would be an acquired taste. And I will be honest, it took me a few bites before I found the taste to be tasty rather than over earthy. Because even with the sauce and the other ingredients, it still had an earthy taste to it that did take some getting used to.

However I do like the taste and can't wait to try out more recipes with these noodles and to try out more products by Nasoya really soon.

Well that's it for this review and I will be linking Nasoya's Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Website below so feel free to check them out.

Facebook: Nasoya
Google+: +Nasoya
Twitter: @Nasoya
Website: Nasoya

Recipe that I used. I simply replaced the noodles with Nasoya Pasta Zero Noodles: Easy Lo Mein Recipe
More Nasoya Recipes can be found on their website linked above. Check them out and try them for yourself! 

Until Next Time!

**I was sent this product free for review and testing. I am not being paid for my review

This picture includes the Pasta Zero Noodles as well as the base of the sauce that was used in my dish.

This picture is what the noodles looked like after I mixed it with the sauce base but before adding the rest of my ingredients. I forgot to take a picture after adding the rest of the ingredients.

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