Thursday, May 5, 2016

Sincere Apology!

Hello all!

I must beg your forgiveness for not posting any reviews in what seems like months, which is probably is. Life has happened over the past couple of months and boy did it happen big.
First off my father ended up in the hospital with liver failure, bad alcoholic if I am to be honest with everyone. And then my hometown was completely flooded for about a week; if you've watched the news then you'll know of the extensive rain Mississippi got in March so there was that. Luckily however, my home is built higher than any flood stage that has occurred in our area so while our neighbors had water in their homes, we only lost a washer and dryer. Which I am sincerely thankful that that was all we lost, well that and two vehicles but it could have been much worse so I am thankful for it not being more damage.
But about a week before the flood and my father being in the hospital, I took my laptop in for an overheating issue. Sadly there was nothing they could do with my laptop so I had to get a new one.
Now that brings us to April, I was unable to get a new laptop until April due to several issues but now I am happy to say that I have had one for about two weeks and I never realized how much I had missed it.

Now that I have my new laptop I can begin to review products again and I am so excited! I have several products that are coming to me from several websites and also several that I need to review before they get here! So it's safe to say that in the upcoming weeks I am going to be very busy with reviews, pictures and opinions on this blog and I cannot be happier! I want to try and build this blog up as much as I can in order to give honest reviews for those that read it.

Once again I ask your forgiveness for not being able to post in a while and I ask your patience for a little while longer while I get situated once again as my life goes back to its normal state.

Until Next Time!

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