Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Aussie Mega Moisture Shampoo & Conditioner Review

This is a shampoo and conditioner set that I decided to try because it was on sale and I had a coupon for it. I am always on the lookout for products that I haven't tried and if it works out that I can either find them on sale or get a coupon for them, it's all the better. 

I found these on a shopping trip to Dollar General and thought why not try them. It was the beginning of summer and my hair gets super dry due all the humidity that we have where I live. And I don't really want my hair to look dry and damage, so I thought I would give it a shot.

I wasn't disappointed with it at all. After just one wash, I noticed that hair looked more moisturized and lively without looking frizzy at all. That's a big deal for me since my hair is not only naturally thick and curly but at the slightest bit of humidity in the air, it frizzes up to the max and it is a complete pain. 

Most people can pull off the frizzy hair look; I am not one of them at all. So when I find a product that can ease the frizz, I will hoard it like a dragon guarding gold. So if you're looking for a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, I highly recommend this one.

Until Next Time

Monday, July 30, 2018

Dove Permacare Scalp Invigorating Mint Review

This is hands down the best anti-dandruff shampoo that I have ever tried! I used to use Heads and Shoulders but it just wasn't working the same way anymore. I have tried products and tried products with no luck at all. I came across this product in my local Dollar General and decided to try it; I mean it was sale so I figured it wouldn't hurt to try. 

I am so glad that I did! This stuff smells amazing and the scent lasts for a couple days after washing it. A little goes a long way and since it has conditioner already in it, you don't need to worry about using conditioner, so it cuts down on your shower time. 

I will use this product in rotation with my other shampoos and conditioners. I find that my hair behaves more when I don’t stick to one shampoo/conditioner too many times in a row. I use this product about once a week and it has worked wonders on controlling my dandruff. So good that I don't even have it anymore! I am so happy for that because it was really embarrassing to find flakes on my shirt or dresses. And let's be honest, no one wants that at all. 

I also would like to apologize for these short reviews but in all honesty, I really don't have a lot to say about the products that I've been trying out. Mostly because I want my readers to go out and try them on their own to see if they work for you as they have done for me.

Until Next Time

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Ponds Anti-Wrinkle Cream Review

I picked up this product in the travel section of Target and I can say that just for me, I wish that I hadn't picked it up. Not that it didn't do a good job, it worked pretty good in the week or so that I tried it. But what really put me off of this product was the smell. 

It literally smelled like sunscreen that had expired. It was so stomach turning. At first I thought it was just that I had picked up an expired bottle but as I looked at the bottle, it wasn't due to expire for another 2 months! So, to make sure that it wasn't just me, the next time I went to Target, I got another little bottle of this product and opened it after purchasing it. It smelled the same! After that I was like, maybe it's just the Ponds products themselves that smelled like that. 

But in all reality, I couldn't continue to use a product that smelled like this one did. So I passed it on to my mother, who uses it without any complaints on the smell at all. So maybe it was just me but I now steer clear of Ponds products because wasting money is not my idea of a good time. 

Until Next Time

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kate Somerville Exfolikate Review

This is one intense exfoliator, at least for me personally. But don't let this keep you from trying it as it works so well! And just because I say it is intense, it's not so intense that it is uncomfortable to use. The product itself is a deep emerald color, which is gorgeous looking by the way that contains very fine beads that feel amazing on your skin. The smell isn't overwhelming but rather a nice minty scent that does linger on your skin for several hours after using this product. 

When you first put it on, there is a slight tingling feeling for a few minutes before it comes very cool on your face. It's not burning at all and I have very sensitive skin so no worries of that. After keeping the product on for about 10 minutes, go and washing it off with warm water; rubbing the product more into your skin; letting the tiny beads do their work on your skin. I use this product about twice a week when I first started using it and now I only use it once a week, so far that works for me since my skin has gotten a lot better. 

Again this is a short review and I apologize for that but there really isn't much else I can say about this product except for giving my honest review on the product itself. 

Until Next Time!