Saturday, June 29, 2019

V8 Hydrate – Strawberry & Cucumber

I have been drinking V8 juice for several years and recently have become slightly addicted the V8 Energy drinks. So when I was in the store last time, I was gonna grab me a pack of them but this caught my eye; so I picked this up as well.
I know I am not the only one that loves the combination of Strawberry and Cucumber, so I couldn't pass this up. The price was pretty good for a 6 pack of these little cans, coming in just a little bit under $4.00 (which is about the price of the V8 Energy drinks as well). I let them chill in my fridge overnight and awoke the next morning to try my first one.
Let me say this, OMG it tasted so good! With all of V8's products, each one contains one serving of vegetables and depending on what flavor you get to drink; you might not even notice the vegetables at all. With this flavor, all I could taste was strawberries with a light refreshing hint of cucumber. However, when my friend tried it she told me that all she could taste was tomato; so everyone could taste something different.
After drinking this first thing in the morning, I noticed that I was a bit more awake and aware than I usually was. And I noticed that I didn't get as thirsty throughout the rest of the morning that I felt well hydrated. I plan on buying these again; they seem especially good to have around during the heat of the summer, to excite the taste-buds with something other than plan water. We all get tired of drinking water, or at least I do and I need something a bit different tasting but something that is also good for me. I think this product fits that description perfectly. 

Love, Beauty and Planet Coconut Water & Minola Flower Shampoo & Conditioner

I have tried Love, Beauty and Planet shampoo, conditioner and body wash, so I quickly fell in love with the brand and loved using their products. Though once again the addition of coconut made me a bit hesitant to try out this particular shampoo and conditioner; but when Facebook offered a free sample, I decided that I didn't have anything to lose. I really need to learn to stop second-guessing myself.
I was surprised that instead of one-use foil packets that I was sent a travel size of both products. Because honestly, I can see why companies do that when they offer sample sizes but I'm personally not a fan of the foil packets of products. Anyway, I was able to use both samples in about a few hair-washes and once again I have two new favorite products to add to ever growing list of products.
My hair felt hydrated, bouncy and felt lively again. In the summer, this is hard for me to achieve because my hair despises the humidity with a fiery passion; so finding products that work well enough to tame my frizz is a feat to say the least. But this shampoo and conditioner did not disappoint in the least, which made me all the more excited to use it.
The scent was strong but not overly there and it did linger in my hair for several hours later in a subtle way. So that made me glad that the scent wasn't overpowering in the slightest and was just there in a way that a cool breeze would be coming off the ocean. Honestly, it made me want to go the beach every time I used it. But I can see myself using this scent mostly in the summer and maybe a few times during the winter when the cold is nipping at my nose.

Nature Box Body Wash

I forget which site that I got this travel size Nature Box Body Wash from, I have several freebie sites that I am a member of and I do a ton of different offers through Facebook, etc. So trying to remember where I got this from is a rather taxing ordeal. But one thing I do know is that this body wash smells amazing!
Personally, I have never used a cold pressed oil body wash and now I'm asking myself why I haven't. Like most natural body washes, a little goes a long way and I was able to use this travel size for about 5 days before I ran out. And I already miss it!
The scent is so clean and amazing; not overpowering whatsoever. It reminds me of going to the beach and just spending all day there just relaxing. I have noticed that something that is supposed to smell like coconut can have two different scents: coconut or sunscreen. I am not a fan of the scent of sunscreen, so I usually avoid products that are scented in coconut. But this was not the case with this body wash as it seems like Nature Box has managed to figure out a formula that works perfectly with the scent of coconut.
The scent lasted most of the day, which I was pleasantly surprised about but not unhappy with in the least. I was also treated with several comments about how my skin seems to have a beachy glow to it so that has also been a plus for sure.  
I'm not sure what other scents that Nature Box makes but just by trying this one, I already have plans on trying out the different ones that they have to offer.

Plant Therapy Essential Oils (Lavender & Lemon)

I'll admit that I wasn't really an advocate for essential oils until a few years ago. Now, I don't understand how I went so long in my life without using them daily. Usually I buy my oils from Amazon, Walmart or Target. However, when given the chance to review these two plant-based essential oils, I couldn't pass it up. And I was not disappointed in the least and I find myself only wanting essential oils from this company from now.
From the day these two oils arrived in the mail, I could smell them through the packaging. It was a strong scent but not overwhelming in the slightest. They both just smelled so pure and natural that I had to use the Lavender one straight away. After putting a few drops in my diffuser, it not only filled my bedroom but most of my house with the calming scent of lavender. And even after a few days had passed, the scent lingered throughout my home; despite me not having used my diffuser since that day that I first used it.
The lemon one smells just as good and reminds me of spring. I have taken to putting a few drops here and there, especially in my kitchen and I am very happy with the results that this has given me. My kitchen smells so clean and springy all the time; which puts me in a great mood for sure.
I am already thinking of different scents that I can get from this company, to see what else that they have to offer. If anyone is interested the company is called Plant Therapy and here is their website: And from what I can tell, they do offer more than just essential oils so there will definitely be something there for everyone to try out. 

Disclaimer: I was sent these products free for review. I was not paid for my review and this review is my honest thoughts about the product(s).