Monday, June 19, 2017

Product Review - V8 Energy Drinks

Image Source: Google
Since I have completely cut out all sodas (carbonated drinks) from my diet over the past 2 months, I have found myself in need to something that will give me energy; especially in the mornings.

While I do enjoy a cup of coffee now and again, I do not like to drink it every morning as it seems to mess with my digestion; so I have cut myself back to one or two cups a week and so far it seems to be working.

I have always struggled with getting my daily amount of vegetables. It has been a problem that I have been fighting for years because I honestly do not like vegetables of any shape or form. Well, that's not true as I am quite fond of corn but there is only so many ways one can eat corn until it gets old. Granted I have made discoveries of drinks that will help me reach my daily amount of vegetables, V8 being one of them and the other being Green Machine. But it was this new product from V8 that caught my attention. It was exactly what I was looking for and I was so happy to try it.

I have tried several of the flavors but by far my top favorites are the Peach Mango and the Pomegranate Blueberry. These two flavors I can't seem to get tired of and no matter what other flavors that I have tried, I always keep coming back to these two. They are the perfect mixture and even though you know that there are vegetables in the drink, you cannot taste them. I think that is perhaps the thing that I like the most is that I cannot taste the vegetables. Perhaps my taste buds will change over time to start to like the taste of vegetables.

I have now taken to drinking one of these drinks with my breakfast every morning in order for me to be fully alert for the rest of my day. I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I will never look back to my old routine. I feel more awake during the day after consuming this drink and I feel healthier because I'm getting some vegetables in me every day.

Well that's it for this review.

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

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