Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Update, Upcoming Reviews & Referral Links!

Hi guys!

I just wanted to hope on really quickly and give a quick update. The break that I have taken from blogging has really been fantastic but I cannot wait to get started again! I am going to start reviewing a fair few products in the upcoming weeks, products that I have purchased myself and products that I have been able to score as Freebies from companies and Freebie websites. As with all of my reviews, I will state if I received the item free or not but rest assured that my opinions will always be from myself as I want to give good and honest reviews for my blog readers.

Not only am I going to be reviewing products but websites as well, such as Yerdle; which is a website that is similar to eBay but instead of using paying with money you are given Yerdle Cash to buy from other sellers and when you sell your own. There is a referral link system to this website, where you can refer people to it and earn Yerdle Cash for not only yourself but the people who join via your link. I have just recently joined this website and I haven't had the chance to purchase anything from this site. I want to review this site later on in January after I have had time to look through it and order from it. If I like my experience then I will post my referral link with my review and whatnot. If you want to try it out for yourself, then feel free but I have noticed that if you use a referral link then you not only get Free Shipping but you also seem to get more Yerdle Dollars, so in this case I feel that patience will indeed work to one's favor.

Also I have a Voxbox from Influenster to review that I have recently received so keep an eye out on that. Not only that but a few things from Crowdtap, which is a site similar to Influenster, Smiley360 and PinchMe. I have also decided that I will list all of the sites that I belong to in which I am able to score my free products as well as the Facebook group that I have recently joined!

Well I think that's it, so until next time!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Update & Great Changes on the Way.

First off, let me apologize for not updating this blog like I should be doing. But rest assured I do plan on changing that with the coming up year.

I want to make this blog successful and in order to do that I need to up my game and get my mind back into reviewing. Cause I'll be honest, this year has been a bit hellish for my family but things are finally looking up so I feel that I can now give this blog the concentration that I feel it deserves.

However, in the month of December I am not going to be posting any reviews but rather I will be going over my technique of reviewing and seeing how I can make that better. I want to change the layout of this blog and I want to make it more enjoyable for those that read it.

I want to be able to look at this blog at the end of next year and be proud of what I accomplished. I want to give good and honest reviews that go into great detail and not those that last only a sentence or two.

Not to say that I won't be busy in December as I do have a couple more blogs that I post on and if anyone is interested, I will link them at the end of this update. I want to gather some good products so that I can start January 2016 off right by posting several reviews a week. Now I'm not sure if I can do this every week but I am going to try my best. I'm also going to go out of my way to email companies to see if they would be willing to send samples so that I can review them for my readers. I am going to be more outgoing with this blog and enjoy it more than I did this previous year.

So I guess it can be said that I'm starting my New Years' Resolutions list a bit early this year but I know that I will need the time to be prepared. I hope that I can make this blog into something that others will enjoy and I want my readers to know that they can help me as well. If anyone has a product that they want to see reviewed then please feel free to leave a comment on this post! I would love to hear from you guys to see exactly what you would be interested in seeing. And I will try my best to review each requested product :-)

I guess that's it for this update. Until Next Year...which is only a month away, seriously am I the only one who thought this year just seemed to fly by?

Weight Loss Journey Blog:
Daily Zen Quote Blog:

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Review - Etsy Shop: Sweet Bean Plans

I have never reviewed an Etsy shop before but when I came across this little shop, I just couldn't help myself. I love everything about this shop and I wanted to share it with others.

The name of the shop is Sweet Bean Plans and the shop specializes in original planner stickers that are just so Kawaii (cute) and adorable for words to even describe them. They are based in the US but they ship internationally and if you don't see a sticker design that you personally would like then the shop also does custom orders, which is just awesome.

Anyway I discovered this shop about a month ago when I decided to start getting into decorating my planner as I had watched a few videos of others doing so on YouTube. So I decide to browse Etsy until I came across this new store that hadn't been on the site very long, so I decided to see if I could help them out. As I looked through what the shop offered, I found myself wanting everything! Every sticker was just so cute and felt so personally made that I couldn't decide on which ones to get. But after looking for about an hour, no joke here folks, I literally spent an hour trying to decide on planner stickers lol; I finally narrowed my choices down to seven; which I will list below along with the quantity and the price of the stickers.

1. Tiny Water Bottles/Workout Stickers - 100+ Stickers for $3.50
2. Pencil and Paper Kawaii Stickers - 80 Stickers for $3.00
3. Tiny Colorful Kawaii Cell Phone Stickers - 80 Stickers for $3.00
4. Colorful Dog Paws Stickers - 72 Stickers for $3.00
5. Reading/Book Dots Stickers - 78 Stickers for $3.00
6. Colorful Yoga/Stretching Exercise Stickers - 60+ Stickers for $3.50
7. Tiny Kawaii Scales/Weight Loss Stickers - 54 Stickers for $3.50
**The names of the stickers are how they are listed on the shop as well as the quantities and the prices.

Out of all the shops that I browsed through, this is one store that caught my complete attention and I cannot wait to order more from her.

The pricing is perfect for the quantity that you get and the quality of the stickers are amazing. I found out that every sticker is designed by her completely as she draws them out by hand. I absolutely find that amazing for someone to be able to design to many cute things. And here is the best part, her store is always updating! Everyday it seems like she adds more stickers to her shop, which makes me even more excited knowing that holidays are going to be arriving soon, which means holiday themed stickers for Halloween and Christmas. I can't wait to see what she creates.

I also have to commend the shop on how fast they ship orders out as well as how cutely they are packaged. When my first order arrived, it was only a few days after I had placed my order which impressed me for sure. I was also awed at how cutely the stickers were packaged inside the shipping envelope. She had placed them in a colorful bag and closed it with a tiny amount of Washi tape to keep it closed. Not only did I get my order but I also received a couple of sample stickers as well which only made me want to go back and buy more.

I can tell that she really loves what she does and now that I follow her on Instagram, I get to have sneak-peeks of any upcoming stickers as well as notice of any sales that she has going on. And her sales, they are amazing. Her most recent one, which is going on until the end of this week 8/29/2015 I believe, is 25% off of $20! I can't believe what good sales she has and I can't wait to get in on them myself. But I am waiting until I request from custom designs from her, which she does take for the price of $3.50 I do believe.

Now I want to go ahead and place a disclaimer here before I end this review. I do not know the owner personally at all, nor am I getting paid to do this review. I just wanted to be able to help her business grow because I feel that she deserves it as I can see her hard work through her stickers and shop. She doesn't even know that I'm doing this review and won't know until I post this on my social media; so I hope she doesn't mind but I just can't keep the greatness of this shop to myself. I want this shop to be successful for her so that she can keep doing what she obviously loves. And yes before anyone asks, I purchased all the stickers that I listed above with my own money, except for the two sample stickers that she sent; which I believe she does with every order but I am not sure. I will also be making another purchase from this shop so I will be doing another review on how much I like the custom stickers, which I already know I will if any of her other designs have to say for her talent.

Also for those interested here is the link to her Etsy shop as well as her Instagram name. I urge everyone to check her out!
Etsy: SweetBeanPlans
Instagram: @SweetBeanPlans

Well that's it for this blog review, I hope you guys enjoyed it!

As always if you have any product that you would like me to try out and review then please let me know via the comment section below!

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Japan Candy Box Giveaway!

Now as many of you don't know, I have a subscription to Kawaii Box.

Now Kawaii Box is a monthly subscription where you get 8 to 10 Kawaii (cute) items sent to you. These items are from Japan and South Korea. This box cost $18.90 a month and has free shipping. I'll link the website at the end of this post in case anyone wants to check it out for themselves.

Anyway, the company that produces Kawaii Box is coming out with another monthly subscription box called Japan Candy Box. And if the name of the box isn't clear, its a subscription box that is completely dedicated to Japanese candy. Each box includes 8-10 delicious, special and quirky Japanese candies and snacks. This box is $19.90 per month and I will also be linking the website at the end of this post for those who want to check it out for themselves.

Now the reason behind this post is to give anyone a chance to win a free Japan Candy Box! That's right! Completely free! Who doesn't love getting something for free? Especially Japanese candy. Anyway to enter all you have to do is go to the link that I will provide at the end of this post and fill out the form. That's it! No purchase necessary, no jumping through hoops, just fill out the small form and you're entered! But hurry the giveaway ends in 10 days!

Also I would like to note that I am not receiving anything from Kawaii Box, Japan Candy Box or for this post. I wanted to share this great giveaway with others and I am not being compensated for my views and opinion. Also I might be subscribing to Japan Candy Box myself to see if I like it as well as I do Kawaii Box. Let me know what you guys think!

Here are the links as promised.
Kawaii Box Website: Kawaii Box
Japan Candy Box Website: Japan Candy Box
Japan Candy Box Giveaway: Giveaway!

Good luck!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Australian Gold Sunscreen Review - Influenster Blossom VoxBox

My Go-To Sunscreen from now on!
Finding a good sunscreen that not only works amazingly but doesn't break out my sensitive skin has always been a hard task for me. However after trying the Australian Gold Sunscreen I believe that I have finally found a sunscreen that is just perfect for me! 

It goes on smooth and doesn't leave a greasy or oily residue. It doesn't have a bad odor and actually smells, well the best way I can put it is that it smells like sunshine and summer. And one of the most important things is that it doesn’t break me out at all! So yay for that! 

Since I live in the Southern US, humidity is always a hazard that comes along with summer, so finding a sunscreen that protects you but also doesn't melt off of you when the humidity gets really high seems to be a yearly struggle. However my yearly struggle is over with now that I have this sunscreen and I can't wait to go out to the lake and just enjoy the day. 

Since getting this product I have been outside daily just walking about my neighborhood which gave me the perfect opportunity to test out this product. I placed it on my face, neck (front and back), shoulders and arms. I am more than happy with the results, not only has it protected me from the sun on all of my walks but it has helped me get a tan. FINALLY! 

Until Next Time! 
**Please note that I received this product free for the purpose of testing and reviewing it. 

Nasoya Pasta Zero Noodles Review - Influenste Blossom VoxBox

This is a product that was interesting to begin with as I have never heard of this brand before receiving it in my Influenster Blossom VoxBox. But I am always up to trying something new and expanding my palette so I was more than willing to give it a try.

Now the noodles did come with a recipe but I decided that I wanted to try out a recipe that I make all the time with egg noodles. The recipe that was included in the noodles can be found on the Nasoya Website along with many other recipes. I will link the website down below as well as the recipe that I used in order to make my noodle dish.

The first thing about these noodles that I noticed was that the package came with liquid inside of it, soaking the noodles. So per the instructions, I opened the package and rinsed off the noodles with water. When I opened the package I noticed that the noodles had a very earthy smell, now usually that would not be appealing to me at all but for some reason it seemed to work with these noodles. Also I will be adding pictures at the end of this post to show the noodles and the base ingredients that I used in the sauce.

Now I'm not going to say that I feel in love with the taste immediately because that is not the case. I can't really describe the taste like I want to but I can already tell that it will not be everyone's favorite. Not to say that its bad, because its not at all but that everyone has particular taste when it comes to noodles and I feel that these noodles would be an acquired taste. And I will be honest, it took me a few bites before I found the taste to be tasty rather than over earthy. Because even with the sauce and the other ingredients, it still had an earthy taste to it that did take some getting used to.

However I do like the taste and can't wait to try out more recipes with these noodles and to try out more products by Nasoya really soon.

Well that's it for this review and I will be linking Nasoya's Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Website below so feel free to check them out.

Facebook: Nasoya
Google+: +Nasoya
Twitter: @Nasoya
Website: Nasoya

Recipe that I used. I simply replaced the noodles with Nasoya Pasta Zero Noodles: Easy Lo Mein Recipe
More Nasoya Recipes can be found on their website linked above. Check them out and try them for yourself! 

Until Next Time!

**I was sent this product free for review and testing. I am not being paid for my review

This picture includes the Pasta Zero Noodles as well as the base of the sauce that was used in my dish.

This picture is what the noodles looked like after I mixed it with the sauce base but before adding the rest of my ingredients. I forgot to take a picture after adding the rest of the ingredients.

NYC Color City Proof 24HR Eye Shadow Review - Influenster Blossom VoxBox

Hello all!

In my recent VoxBox from Influenster which was the Blossom VoxBox, I received a full-size product of NYC Color City Proof 24HR Eye Shadow...yeah that's a mouthful isn't it. Anyway I decided that I would review it for you guys and give my honest opinion of it and also tell you why I think NYC makes me look NYC City Proof.

My look is pretty much city proof to begin with thanks to all of my NYC products. I am just in love with their products and I personally feel that they are one of the best drug store makeup lines around. They are always on trend and have the latest looks for a good decent price that won't break the bank so to speak. I love the quality of their makeup, the packaging and pretty much everything about them. This makeup is not only good for beginners but experts as well. I pretty much think everyone should have a least two or three NYC products in their makeup collection at all time.

But anyway let's get on with the review!

The color I received was Brooklyn Mocha and it is a beautiful mocha color. Also can we please mention how nice NYC makeup products smell? I mean I have never smelled anything that resembles chemicals or dyes in their makeup at all, they all just smell so nice to me. I know that's weird but I really wanted to mention that. Anyway, the eye shadow comes in a jumbo eye shadow stick and twists at the bottom in order to extend the stick. Now I'm not a big fan of eye shadow sticks honestly and this is the first one that I have ever tried and now that I have tried it, I can't wait to go out and get more.

The application process is very smooth and the product doesn't clump at all when placed on the eyelid. It is also easy to blend out for a lighter look, which is pretty much what I'll wear. However, even though it is easy blend out, that does not mean that it wears off easy. Since I live in the Southern US, it tends to get very humid here especially during Summer, so having a makeup product that doesn't melt off of your face is an awesome find. And so far this eye shadow has done nothing but impress me. It has stayed on my lids all day, no matter how humid or rainy it became. I have already suggested it to a few of my friends and they are excited about trying it.

Well I think that's all I can say about this product. I will be linking the NYC Facebook and Twitter below so feel free to check them out!

Until Next Time!
Facebook: NYC
Twitter: @NYCNewYorkCity

**I was sent this product for free for review and testing. I am not being paid for my review. 


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Live Bear Naked Granola Review - Influenster BlossomVoxBox 2015

Now I've never been one to like granola. Truth be told I stayed away from the stuff as much as I could. Now that is not to way that I haven't ever tried it, I have but nothing of what I tasted left an impression on me.

However, when I tried Live Bear Naked Granola I was pleasantly surprised. The flavors that I received in my Influenster Blossom VoxBox were Sea Salt Caramel Apple and Coconut Almond Curry. Now I'm not a fan of Coconut so I admit that I had my doubts when I saw the second flavor. But I made myself a promise the first of the year that I would be more open to try new things. So tried them I did and I must admit that I have never rushed out of my door fast enough in order to find these delicious granola snacks.

My favorite flavor between the two has got to be the Sea Salt Caramel Apple but I'm not totally put off the Coconut Almond Curry flavor either, its just too sweet for me to have a lot of it. But I did run out and get two bags, one of each flavor that I had tried and they have now become a staple in my cabinets.

When I'm craving something sweet and savory, I get out my Coconut Almond Curry and put it into a small bowl with a couple of spoonfuls of Yoplait Vanilla Yogurt and that just pleases my taste buds to no end. And when I want something that is still savory but a bit more tart, I just reach for a handful of the Sea Salt Caramel Almond. I must admit that I love getting a little baggy of the Sea Salt when I'm about to go out for a walk and I munch on that a little before I start my walk and when I'm finishing. I find that this granola flavor works better with water than the other.

I am glad +Influenster gave me the opportunity to try out this product for free! I can't wait to find more flavors of @LiveBearNaked and try them.

Until next time!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Influenster - Blossom VoxBox 2015

I was lucky enough to be one of the ones chosen to get a Blossom Voxbox and I must say it has to be my biggest one yet. I can't wait to try out and review these products for Influenster! If you're interested in learning more about Influenster then please feel free to comment before or check out the site for yourself at

Also please note that these products were sent to me for free so that I could test and review them for Influenster. I am not being paid for my opinion and my opinion is of my own.

This post will be just describing what I got and how much it retails for. I will be reviewing each product in individual blog posts so be on the lookout for that.

Also I apologize for the lack of images on this post as my camera has finally decided to stop working fully, thus leaving me without a digital camera in order to take blog pictures with. I do not know when I will be getting a new one so until then I will just link pictures that I have taken and posted via my IG. Also I apologize again beforehand because the images will not be the best but I'm trying to figure something out so please bare with me.

This is what my #BlossomVoxBox looked like:

Products that I received in my #BlossomVoxBox

Beanitos - Retail Value: $3.49 (And I received two medium sized bags: Chipotle BBQ & Original Black Bean)
Hair Food Root Cleansing Shampoo - Retail Value $9.99 at Target (I got the full size (10 oz) in Strawberry Ginseng) 
Bear Naked Granola - Retail Value:  $10.49 (12 oz) (I received 2 small personal packs (34 grams) of the flavors: Coconut Almond Curry & Sea Salt Caramel Apple)
Nasoya Pasta Zero Noodles - Retail Value: $2.29 (Full Size Product received)
NYC New York Color City Proof 24HR Eye Shadow - Retail Value: $2.99  (Full Size and in the shade Brooklyn Mocha)
Australian Gold Sunscreen Lotion SPF 30 - Retail Value: $7.99 (8oz) (Received 2 fl oz)
Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs - Retail Value: $13.99 for full size. (Received a 0.75 fl oz)

So that's that I got in my #BlossomVoxBox! Keep on the lookout for individual product reviews! Also for those interested, I have linked the Facebook/Websites of each product to the product names so that anyone that wishes can check them out!

Until Next Time! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Kawaii Box Review - February 2015

Its time for another Kawaii Box review and I must say that this box is more Kawaii than the last one and I am so excited to share what I got in this one with you.

For those of you who don't know, Kawaii Box is monthly subscription box that is shipped to you every month and holds from 10 to 12 handpicked products/items that come from Japanese/Korean companies. The cost for each box is $18.90 with shipping being free and all payments are handled strictly through PayPal. I'll link the site at the end of this post so that anyone who wants to check it out can!

Also I'm going to put up a disclaimer before I start reviewing what I got in my Kawaii Box this month.

Disclaimer: I am not being paid for my opinion/review. I purchased this box with my own money and my opinion/review is of my own and is not being influenced. I have no personal affiliation with this company at all. Thank you.

Now that that has been taken care of, let's get the Kawaiiness shall we! :-)

This is a complete overview of my box and the items/products that came inside it.

As always with the Kawaii Box, it comes in a large white box that has been filled with Kawaii things. Its wrapped in hot pink tissue paper and as always there is a note that has been hand-written, which is just awesome! As you can read my note says, "Keep Cozy & Stay Kawaii!" I must admit that this is one of the things that I seriously enjoy getting in my Kawaii Box, I find the little notes sweet and nice to receive.

Other than the handwritten note, there are always a couple of fliers that have discount code for their website: for 10% off of any purchase. This site also offers Free Shipping Worldwide which is again so awesome!

Now let's get into what was in this month's Kawaii Box!

One of the cutest things I received were these socks that are almost too cute for words. Sadly I cannot wear them for they are too small for my feet *Insert frowny face* But I do plan on giving them to my sister who I am sure will be able to wear them just fine. I mean they are pink with white dots and have these awesome yellow bows on them so I'm sure she'll love them! And plus it'll make me feel good to pass along some Kawaii love.

The second thing I got was this light pink ribbon that is decorated with multicolor ice cream cones. Now I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this long strip of ribbon but I kinda want to make a headband out of it that I can wear to give a little pop of Kawaii to my look. If anyone has any suggestions then please let me know!

So much stationary things that I am overloaded with the Kawaiiness of them all!

First off there is the large clip that I think can be used as a paper holder and/or a bag clip for perhaps potato chips or whatnot. It looks like a giant pencil and has a hole in the back and looks like it could be screwed or tacked into a wall where paper or something else could be hung from it.

The next thing that was in the box is a pen and what a cute pen it is. It has a crown on the top of it and is very sturdy and well made pen. I have seen people on YouTube showing off pens similar to this that they had gotten from a Daiso (Japanese Dollar Store), which makes me glad that I was able to get one because I don't live anywhere near a Daiso. It writes smoothly and I cannot wait to use it.

The next item was a small notebook of some kind that holds multicolor, line-less paper in it that looks to be the perfect size for someone to keep in their bag and write notes as they need to have them. The notebook itself is quite adorable with a cloth ribbon on the front and is teal and light blue.

The next item is a memo pad and sticky tab set. It contains 15 stick sheets in 5 different designs and 1 small memo pad that contains 15 sheets. the decoration is just plain cute with the strawberries and whatnot. I cannot wait to use this!

The next set is a Photo Decoration Kit. It contains pieces that are used to decorate pictures in scrapbooks and such. The designs look like a carnival setting and are very pastel in color. Again this is one set that I cannot wait to use.

The last set that I got was a pencil pouch set what has a cute blue bear and grey cat on it. It came with a clear pencil pouch with a zipper closure. The kit comes with a eraser, 3 pencils, 1 pencil sharpener and 1 small ruler. This is a perfect little set to keep on your desk or to keep for school and/or work.

Can we just take a moment to just take in the Kawaiiness of these two key chains.

The first keychain, well phone charm, is another squishy like the one I received last month only this one is a panda! Can we just all agree how cute pandas are?

But the most Kawaii award in this box has to go to the little blue llama keychain. The little blue llama is so soft and cute that when I opened the box I squeaked in excitement. Even the product name is cute as its by a company called AlPacasso. This keychain also has a zipper compartment where one can hold small coins and objects.

I cannot wait to add both of these keychains to my growing collection!

And as always there is the snack that is included in the box This month the snack is Cookies N' Cream Pocky.

Now I'm sure I don't have to comment on what Pocky is as I'm sure nearly everyone has tried it at one time or another. But for those who haven't, Pocky is a Japanese snack that is a biscuit stick that has been mostly covered with chocolate of some kind.

They are very popular and can be found in nearly every store, included Wal-Mart.

Well that includes this months Kawaii box! As always I'll link the site below so until the next post!

Stay Kawaii! 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Kawaii Box Review, Jan. 2015 Box

Today I am going to be reviewing one of my new favorite monthly subscription boxes, Kawaii Box.

Now, I am completely in love with the Asian culture, especially Japanese and South Korean. I find both cultures to be colorful and interesting. One of my favorite loves is their music, K-pop/K-rock and J-pop/J-rock. I am also in the process of learning Japanese from a self-taught free website, Memrise. So when I discovered that there was an Asian based monthly subscription box, I was so excited! And this box did not disappoint at all.

For those of you who do not know about Kawaii Box, it is a monthly subscription box that delivers 10 to 12 Kawaii (cute) items that have been handpicked from Japan and South Korean brands. The box costs $18.90 a month with free shipping; with all payments handled completely through PayPal. The brands that are often found in this box are Totoro, Popin' Cookin', My Melody, Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma to name just a few.

Now I'm going to separate what it is in the box into different categories so that I can describe them easier.

First of all can we just take moment to appreciate the cuteness of these keychains! OMG SO KAWAII!

The biggest plushie/keychain (pictured in the middle) is so soft! Its just so adorable to look at that you can't help but smile seeing the little smile on its face. I'm not exactly sure what it is but if I had to take a guess I would think its a Strawberry Sweet Roll. I cannot wait to put this on my bag!

The second keychain (pictured to the left of the middle) is a squishy keychain. I have always wanted one of these but where I live I have never been able to get my hand on one. I am so happy that I have a squishy now to call my own! And its so cute too! Now the only problem is, is that I cannot decide whether to put it on my keys, bag or phone. Decisions, decisions!

The last keychain is a deco keychain that has a small mirror on the back. To think that someone handmade this is incredible. The details are just fantastic looking, it really does look like a treat you would enjoy with friends. I honestly didn't know if I wanted to eat it or put it on my keys!

The next items I received were directed at beauty and accessories.

The first product that I received was a pair of Hello Kitty glasses (lens-less). I apologize for not having this product in the picture. When I had first opened my box and saw the glasses I put them on immediately; so when I was taking pictures for this post I completely forgot that I was wearing them. However, I will include a picture that I posted to Instagram of the full box at the end of this blog. The frames are black with a red bow on the left eye frame. The glasses are extremely well made and do not feel or seem cheap at all. Which is just awesome to get such high quality product for such a reasonable price.

The second product that I received is a beaded stretch bracelet. the beads on the bracelet are of a nice large size and are the most beautiful shade of light pastel purple. There are four seashell charms on the bracelet that are gold. Despite the bracelet resembling something a young child or young teen would ear, it is very well made. And even though I am in my mid-twenties, I adore this bracelet and I have no problem sporting this accessory for the world to see. It is a very nice addition to my accessory collection.

The final beauty/accessory product that I received is a small bottle of nail polish from the brand BK. I do now know the official color because there is no other English wording to be found on the bottle. The color speaks for itself however; it is a gorgeous bright blue/green color that I cannot wait to try out the next time I paint my nails. And with the bottle being so small and lightweight, it makes it easier to travel with for touch-ups and such.
Picture of the polish on my nails!
I tried out this polish after typing up this and decided that I had to share it. I simply love the color and I want to try out more colors by this brand!

The next group of products that I got were all stationary type products.

The first was a pack of cute ghost stickers. The first sheet has five super puffy and Kawaii ghost stickers, that are just too adorable to even be considered as scary. The second sheet of stickers is a bunch of mini ghosts and bat stickers that are just as cute as the puffy ghosts! These ghosts are just so cute that I simply cannot decide where I want to display them.

The second product that I received was a pen. Since I'm an avid writer, I love collecting pens. And I was so happy that I received such a cute pen in my box! The pen writes in blue and is of a great quality. The little girl on the clip is also too cute for words. The pen also displays a cute quote on the side of it that says, "Hello! My friend dall mate". Now for some this may be annoying as many Japanese products that are translated into English doesn't seem to make sense but this doesn't bother me in the slightest. I find it adorable and a treat to read. Its something that just brightens up my day.

The last stationary product that I received was a vintage stamp set. This set includes one stamp and one ink pad. The design of the stamp is of a little bird sitting on a branch with the words, "Sing a Song" written beneath. The stamp is very well made and is an excellent product to use. The ink pad is also of the same excellent quality and is colored a forest green color. I do a ton of journaling and having this unique set in my collection makes me smile.

The last items that I received were basically misc. products.

The first product being a small coin purse that is coral with white spots. The coin purse has a clasp closing and the material used is a soft material that I cannot identify but I would love to find more products made from this type of material. The coin purse is very well made and is the perfect size to fit into any bag/purse. I'm already using mine as a coin purse in my small bag and its the perfect addition to it.

And last but not least I got a couple of snack products. Both products are Rilakkuma brand snacks. First off the packaging is just adorable! And since the packs are small and light, they are perfect to carry around in your bag for a snack. Each snack bag contains 4-5 Rilakkuma shaped rice cracker snacks. The snacks have been dusted with some seasoning powder. I've never been one to like rice crackers but these are delicious! I only wish that I was able to get more of these snacks where I live cause these would be an excellent snack to carry around during the day, especially a busy day.

Also if you don't want to subscribe to Kawaii Box but you would like to see more of the products that they offer; then you are in luck! They have a Kawaii online store that sells the products that are found in their monthly boxes, so you can just purchase the products that you want and not wait on the box. The site also offers free shipping worldwide! I will link both of the sites below so feel free to check them out!

This was by far one of my favorite monthly boxes to receive that I cannot wait to get another one!

Instagram Pic of Kawaii Box
Until next time! - Monthly subscription box - Kawaii Shop

Disclaimer: I have no connection with this company. This box was purchased with my own money and my review has not been influenced in any way. My reviews/thoughts are of my own. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Secret Agent Beauty Lip Affair Lip Gloss Review

I received this product free in a Birchbox a few months back and I have never really tried it out. So with my sister's wedding around the corner I decided to give it a try. And I'm glad that I did. 

The lip gloss itself is clear and has a great shine to it when you put it on. It makes you lips just shine and shimmer, which I love. I didn't realize it at the time but it was also a Nourishing and Plumping Lip Gloss. It didn't pump my lips up to be outrageously big but made them look fuller without making them appear overly plump. I loved putting this over my lip gloss as it just added such a wonderful shine to my lips.

The lip gloss is tasteless but once you put it on, it does give your lips a slight tingling sensation that feels cool to your lips. I was shocked at first to feel this but I loved it after a few moments. The lip gloss also kept my lips moisturized throughout the whole wedding, even though we spent time outside in the wind taking pictures; my lips stayed moist throughout the cold wind. 

Like I said I got this lip gloss through Birchbox but I did look up information on it if anyone is interested in purchasing it for themselves. The brand of the lip gloss was Secret Agent Beauty Lip Affair, it’s a Nourishing and Plumping Lip Gloss in the color Diamond-Girl Detective which is a clear lips gloss. The size is 0.15 oz and that is full price and costs $18.00.

Until next time! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Rimmel London Products Review

In this review I'm going to be reviewing two products from Rimmel London. I will be reviewing the Scandaleyes Waterproof Kohl Kajal Eyeliner and the Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. 

The first that I will be reviewing is the Scandaleyes Kohl Kajal Eyeliner. I received this item in my Influenster Frosty Voxbox.

I can say that I haven't tried anything from the Rimmel London but after trying this eyeliner, I'm making a promise to myself that I will check out more of their products.

This eyeliner goes on so smooth and easily that anyone could do it. I'm not very good at applying eyeliner as sometimes I'll add too much to one eye and not enough to the other, cause I want them both to mostly match with the same amount of eyeliner on them. With this eyeliner though, this wasn't an issue. I didn't even have to apply a second coat in order for the product to show up. It showed up perfectly the very first time I used it.

I'm always on the lookout for a good waterproof eyeliner and this one does not disappoint. Living in the humid south, having makeup that doesn't run is a necessity of life here. And I can tell that this eyeliner will be a staple in my makeup when it starts to heat up here during the summer. This eyeliner really doesn't like to move once you put it on, which can be annoying to some but not to me :-)

And since this eyeliner didn't want to come off with my usual makeup wipes, I'm glad Influenster included this next product so that I was able to take the eyeliner off fully without hurting my eyes.

The next product I'm going to review is also from Rimmel London - the Gentle Eye Makeup Remover. Having never tried eye makeup remover I wasn't sure what to expect from this product. But after trying it, I find myself asking how come I waited so long to try a product like this.

I always had a bit of trouble removing my mascara and eyeliner with just using my regular makeup wipes and I almost always ended up leaving some product on and let it wear off by itself. Now I realize how bad that can be for my skin which is another reason why I'm glad I was able to try out this product.

The makeup remover itself is just as it says, its gentle to the eyes and does not burn or sting in the slightest. It only takes just a little to remove even waterproof mascara and eyeliner. With just a little on the cotton round I was able to completely remove my eye makeup without pressing to hard in order to remove it. My eyes were very thankful for that as I did not have to rub them constantly.

I am extremely glad that I was able to try these products out for Influenster! :-)

Until next time!

Disclaimer: I received these products free for review from Influenster. I am not being paid for my review and my thoughts are of my own opinion.

NYC Expert Last Lip Color Review

Okay, I'm just going to be honest here, I hate wearing lipstick. Like I avoid it like the plague for lack of words. The only lip products I will use willingly is lip scrubs from LUSH, lip gloss and chap-stick. I mean I have nothing against lipstick, its just never been something that I enjoy wearing. However after trying out this lipstick I may have changed my mind completely.

I received the NYC Expert Last Lip Color in my Influenster Frosty Voxbox and I must say that I actually have found a lipstick that I like! I'm shocked that I actually like this lipstick as much as I do. The color just works perfectly with my skin tone, Sugar Plum is the color for those wondering.

The lipstick itself is by one of my favorite brands, NYC; so I must admit I was a bit excited to get to try something from one of my favorite brands. The lipstick goes on smooth and leaves a silky finish that leaves my lips shiny and gorgeous. The color really does stay on for a long time as I wore it all day running errands and I only had to reapply it one time while I was out, and that was when I had lunch! I actually thought my friends were gonna steal it from me cause they kept asking me what was the gorgeous color that I had on my lips.

What was really surprising to me however is the way the lipstick smelled. I have smelled lipsticks before and they usually don't have a pleasant smell to them, at least to my nose. I was shocked however to discover that the NYC Expert Last Lip Color had a very pleasant smell to it, a very sweet smell to it in fact. I'm actually thinking about looking into getting more colors from this brand to see if they work as well as this one did.

Until next time!

Disclaimer: I got this product sent to me free for review by Influenster. I am not being paid for my review and I have no affiliation with the NYC brand. My reviews are of my own words. 

Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Serum Review

Once again I am thankful that I am part of the Influenster community. Not only is it a great community to be a part of but I am able to try out different products that I would regularly not be able to try at all!

Today I am going to be giving my review for a product that I received in my Influenster Frosty VoxBox, Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Serum.

Now I have never tried anything by this brand before but I am willing to try anything once. Now I have heard of this brand before from YouTube beauty gurus, mostly those that live in the UK. So I was unaware that we could even get this product here in the US. However I am very happy and excited that we are able to get it over here as well and in our local stores.

Now being 27 years old, I have noticed that my skin is not as youthful looking as it was when I was 18. Not that I look old but I can see small lines forming around my eyes and mouth, smile lines if you will. And like any other woman, I want my skin to look its best for as long as possible.

Despite the sample size that I got, I was able to use it quite a few times and I am excited to say that I have seen a dramatic difference in my skin from me using this serum!

The serum is not greasy or oily and leaves my skin feeling soft and moisturized. I enjoy putting it on at night after a good deep cleansing. I have also suggested this to both my mother and my younger sister, who was really excited to try out a new product.

I have enjoyed using this product so much that I plan to go out and look more into this brand to see what other products in their line I might like and use daily.

Well that's it for this review, until next time!

Disclaimer: Please note that I received this product free for review from Influenster. I am not being paid for my review and my opinion is my own.