Tuesday, October 11, 2016

House on Haunted Hill (1959) - Movie Review

This movie was by far the best one that I've seen in a while, granted it did come out in 1959 but for me that's not the point. It doesn't have all the effects that horror movies do these days but rather it dealt more with the acting abilities and small scares that made movies like this enjoyable.

Vincent Price is one of the best actors that has ever existed to me and I love all of his movies, especially anything with horror in it. No matter what role he played, whether he was good or bad, I always found myself cheering for his character. I just couldn't believe that I have never sat down and watched his version of House on Haunted Hill, or if I did I don't remember it. Granted I wasn't even a thought when the movie came out in 1959, seeing that I am only 28 but still; I pride myself on watching old horror movies as they are some of my favorites.

Anyway, the movie is a little over an hour long and it kept my attention from start to finish. It was enthralling, from the characters, the story plot and of course the house itself. I enjoyed it much better than the remake that came out years later. Sometimes I ask myself why do they even try to remake such great movies but then again this is Hollywood and I guess some money has to be made in one way or another. But to me some remakes ruin the feel of the old versions; at least to me that is. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy modern horror movies as well but there is just something about the suspense and drama that fills classic movies such as this one that is just hard to beat with most modern movies these days.

The acting was spectacular in this film and Vincent Price gave a perfect performance. His acting is just so spot on that there is no doubt that he was made for horror/suspense/thriller movies such as this one. I look forward to watching a few more of his movies later on this month and possibly even beyond that.

The effects in this movie were pretty good and I am not ashamed to admit that I did jump at one that was completely unexpected, and I loved it. I don't want to spoil this movie for anyone who hasn't seen it which despite how old it is, I know that there has to be some people out there that haven't treated themselves to this wonderful horror movie. Truly makes me want to go out and collect as many Vincent Price movies as I can find and add them to my DVD/Blu-Ray collection.

And that is a mini movie review because I want others to go out and watch this classic for themselves.

Until Next Time!

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