Monday, October 31, 2016

Dickinson's Enhanced Witch Hazel - Hydrating Toner Review

I was really excited to try out this product because I never have tried anything with Witch Hazel in it; so I didn't know what to expect at all when it came to this product. But since it is a hydrating toner and that is what I have been needing then I was more than willing to try it out.

First off, when it comes to the smell I really am not a fan of it at all. I can't really describe it fully but to me it smells like a sour flower, if that makes sense. It has a really unique scent that is for sure but while it is kinda strong, it does fade after you put the product on the cotton-pad.

The product itself is watery but it's not too watery so I don't have a problem with it. I don't know if this is me personally but whenever I first applied it, I felt as if it irritated my skin just a little. But it was just a slight stinging, almost nonexistent and it went as quickly as it seemed to start which was nice.

After trying out this product for the first time, I could already feel the toner affecting my skin. I could feel my skin becoming a bit more tighter, which was an odd feelign but not an unwelcoming one. It just took me a few times trying this product in order for me to get used to the feeling.

My biggest worry with trying out this product was that my skin is very sensitive and even though this product is for sensitive skin; sometimes it doesn't matter to my skin because it will become irritated and turn red in certain areas. This especially affects the skin on my cheeks, my nose and above my eyebrows. However it seems that my worries were misplaced as my skin didn't seem to react at all to this product which made me very happy.

It is recommended that one uses this product every morning and every night but for me I only use it in the morning for now. However I may start uses it for both morning and night. But for right now, I think using it in the mornings is the best for me.

If you haven't tried this product then I do recommend in trying it because it really is a nice product.

Until Next Time!

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