Monday, October 31, 2016

Dickinson's Enhanced Witch Hazel - Hydrating Toner Review

I was really excited to try out this product because I never have tried anything with Witch Hazel in it; so I didn't know what to expect at all when it came to this product. But since it is a hydrating toner and that is what I have been needing then I was more than willing to try it out.

First off, when it comes to the smell I really am not a fan of it at all. I can't really describe it fully but to me it smells like a sour flower, if that makes sense. It has a really unique scent that is for sure but while it is kinda strong, it does fade after you put the product on the cotton-pad.

The product itself is watery but it's not too watery so I don't have a problem with it. I don't know if this is me personally but whenever I first applied it, I felt as if it irritated my skin just a little. But it was just a slight stinging, almost nonexistent and it went as quickly as it seemed to start which was nice.

After trying out this product for the first time, I could already feel the toner affecting my skin. I could feel my skin becoming a bit more tighter, which was an odd feelign but not an unwelcoming one. It just took me a few times trying this product in order for me to get used to the feeling.

My biggest worry with trying out this product was that my skin is very sensitive and even though this product is for sensitive skin; sometimes it doesn't matter to my skin because it will become irritated and turn red in certain areas. This especially affects the skin on my cheeks, my nose and above my eyebrows. However it seems that my worries were misplaced as my skin didn't seem to react at all to this product which made me very happy.

It is recommended that one uses this product every morning and every night but for me I only use it in the morning for now. However I may start uses it for both morning and night. But for right now, I think using it in the mornings is the best for me.

If you haven't tried this product then I do recommend in trying it because it really is a nice product.

Until Next Time!

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Curel Hydratherapy Wet Skin Moisturizer Review

Now I was expecting the same result that I got with the Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer but Curel just didn't do it for me. Not that the results weren't good, they were but I just preferred the Jergens Wet Skin to the Curel one.

I just felt like it left residue on my skin and it kinda broke me out in random spots on my arms and legs. I feel that Curel would be good on older, tougher skin so I passed it along to my mom and she loved it. It worked so well with her and she sings it's praises. So I was happy that it worked for her and didn't give her a bad reaction to it.

This doesn't mean that Curel is a bad brand, not at all! It just means that everyone is different and their skin need different types of care. Where it broke me out, it healed her skin and gave it much needed moisture.

So this review is going to be pretty short, but please keep in mind that you can try out this product for yourself to see if it works for you; it just wasn't right for me at all which saddens me cause I was so happy to try it.

Until Next Time!

Jergen's Wet Skin Moisturizer Review

I was able to try out this product free thanks to Crowdtap. I have never tried any product like this before so I was really excited to try it. And I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to try it.

If you don't know what this product is, it is a lotion that you put on right in the shower without drying off! You put a dime worth on each arm and a quarter worth on each leg. I usually end up putting some on my stomach and back but it's only a little, I'd say a bit less than a dime worth. And let me say, INSTANT RESULTS! My skin has never felt softer! Like I have never had a product that worked this quickly before. I have always had rough skin on my elbows and no matter what products I use, it simply wouldn't go away. But I kid you not, after only using this product ONCE; I immediately noticed a difference.

It does feel odd when you first apply this moisturizer. The best way I can explain it is that as soon as it comes into contact with your skin, it literally becomes a water-like substance. It is seriously really cool. Another thing that I like about this product is the scent. It smells like coconut and while I'm not a big fan of coconut, it is a very subtle scent of coconut; so I'm not bothered by it at all. Also the scent just clings to your skin, like for hours and hours after you apply. Oh also, when you dry off don't rub, just pat the areas dry that you have applied this moisturizer. That way it absorbs into your body easier and you don't wipe it off.

I've been using this for about a month and I have really noticed a difference in my skin. In the smoothness of it, even the scent of the moisturizer has seemed to become one with my skin because I randomly will get a whiff of coconut throughout the day; which is awesome because everyone likes to smell good. The bottle is pretty big so I know it will last me for a few more months and when it runs out, I'll just run out and buy some more!

Definitely one of my favorite products of 2016. Which speaking of that, I plan on doing a My 2016 Favorite Products blog post near the end of December so keep an eye out for that; because some of the products that are going to be on it will be products that I haven't reviewed yet! :-)

Until Next Time!

Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Intensely Smooth Leave-In Conditioning Cream Review

If you have thick, curly hair that is known to be very frizzy, even after straightening then if you're not familiar with this product; then I highly recommend it!

My hair is not only thick, curly but it's super long and it really does have a mind of it's own. Even when I straighten it, it still becomes frizzy and out of control in just a few hours. I hate that! And I know that I'm not the only one that hates it. It can be so annoying, especially in humid weather; which is very common where I live. I'm so glad that I was given this product as a gift and I was able to try it out. I couldn't believe that I have finally found something that actually works to not only tame my frizz but didn't leave my hair looking greasy and feel weighed down.

Now I don't put it all over my hair because it's really only the last 2 inches of my hair are my main issues with becoming frizzy and unmanageable. So I put maybe a little less than a nickel size worth and it keeps my ends from frizzing all day! I still couldn't believe it even after seeing the result on my own and I have never been so happy to have this product in my hair product collections.

One thing that I have noticed since using this product is that even when I don't use it for a few days after washing my hair, my ends aren't as frizzy as they usually get before I tried out this product. I can't help but wonder if even after washing my hair that it is still helping my hair stay sleek and manageable. Either way, I'm not going to question the results because I don't want them to go away.

I do highly recommend this product along with the other products in the Sleek and Shine line from Garnier Fructis. And once again apologizes for the short review but longer ones are coming soon! Thank you for being patient.

Until Next Time!

Garnier SkinActive Brightening & Smoothing Daily Moisturizer Review

Once again I find myself reviewing a product that has a pretty long name and once again I find myself not minding in the least. When I first tried this product, I admit that I was not a fan of it at all; I felt that instead of being moisturizing that it felt greasy on my skin. I didn't like the way it felt on my skin at all so I didn't use it for a good week. But I decided to try and give it another go since I had already spent the money on it and I wasn't about to let that money go to waste.

So I tried it again and for some reason the second time I used it, I loved it! I don't know if my skin was just having an off day when I first tried or something else. But like I said, after I tried it for the second time I was hooked on this product. It went on smoothly, it didn't feel greasy on my skin at all and it worked miracles for the dry skin that seems to plague me; especially on the sides of my nose, the sides of my cheek and in my eyebrows. I was surprised that this product helped that dry skin so much in all honesty because I have tried several other products before but none seem to have had the result that SkinActive seemed to have. Granted it took about a week of daily use but I immediately noticed the difference. The redness that I was plagued with as well as the dry skin was pretty much gone. So I find myself using this moisturizer daily and becoming more and more hooked on it after every day.

I really shouldn't have doubted this product because Garnier has to be one of my favorite companies that product several of my all-time favorite products that I use consistently in my daily routines, etc. I do highly recommend all of their products and I urge everyone to go out and try this product for themselves to see if they like it.

Again I apologize for the short review but there are personal matters that I have to have most of my attention if not all of it on at the moment. I thank you for understanding and bid your patience a bit longer.

Until Next Time!

Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Lotion Sunscreen Review

Today I am going to be reviewing the Hawaiian Tropic Silk Hydration Lotion Sunscreen, that is a mouthful but the product is well worth the long name for sure.

Now usually I absolutely hate the smell of sunscreen, can't stand it so I sometimes find myself not happy at all whenever I have to apply it. But with this however, I find myself actually looking forward to putting it on because it just smells so much like coconut and just what you would expect a beach to smell like on a hot summer day. It's also not greasy as compared to other sunscreens that I have tried and a little does indeed go pretty far. The fact that it's weightless, not greasy, has a pleasant scent to it and is SPF 30 makes this sunscreen my all-time favorite one to use.

And just because it's not summer, doesn't mean that you shouldn't be using sunscreen. I know where I live, the sun has been out so much these past two weeks that I've been making sure that I always have my sunscreen on. Granted I do this daily anyway, no matter what the season because I love my skin and I want to keep it healthy and to protect it.

I do suggest that you always wear sunscreen though, cause you can never be too careful and this is one that I highly recommend because when you put it on; it really just feels like you are putting on lotion. And who doesn't like putting on lotion?

Well there's not much else to say about this product and I do apologize for it being so short but as of right now my family is going through some personal things and I find myself stretched for time to do the things that I really enjoy doing. So the next few reviews might be short but please bear with me and hopefully the personal things will work themselves out one way or another.

Until Next Time!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Garnier Fructis Grow Strong Shampoo & Conditioner Review

Today I'm going to be reviewing Garnier Fructis Grow Strong Shampoo & Conditioner.

I have been using this shampoo and conditioner for a few weeks in order to get a real feel for this product and to see if it really would live up to its promises. Now while the results wasn't immediate, which I really wasn't expecting at all but rather it did take time for me to see results. But I'll say this I was rather pleased with the results when I started to notice them.

My hair has always been thick but it was never really strong and it didn't grow as fast as I would it to which is why I started to take Biotin so I can grow my hair out faster. With this shampoo and conditioner, I wanted to see if it would make my hair stronger and healthier; which it really did after some use. Now I wash my hair three times a week and it works for my hair because it doesn't get greasy as I don't use any other product in it except for smoothing oil every now and then. I mean I don't even use a hair dryer on my hair unless I have to. So for the past few weeks I have washed my hair using only this shampoo and conditioner waiting to see results. I began to see results about the second week and I liked what I saw. My hair was indeed healthier looking and I can tell that it is getting stronger because it doesn't break off as much as it used to before I started using this shampoo and conditioner.

So I do like this shampoo and conditioner and I will continue to use it along with the other shampoo and conditioner pairs that I use. I like to mix up what I use on my hair so that my hair doesn't get used to just one product over time. If you want to try it for yourself I do highly recommend it but then again, I haven't found a Garnier Fructis product that I don't like.

Until Next Time!

Dove Go Fresh Body Wash Cucumber & Green Tea Review

This is hands-down one of my all-time favorite body washes. Now it is a bit costly when you purchase it individually or at least it is for me at the stores that carry it near me. So whenever I purchase this, I buy it in a big 3 pack so I know that I won't have to purchase it as often and for me that can last me a couple months if not a bit longer; so I end up saving a bit of money which is always nice.

The scent is so fresh and clean smelling that I usually use this body wash in the spring and summer because the scent just seems to fit those seasons the best. But I still will use it throughout the year however because as I said it really is one my favorite body washes to use.

The formula is perfect for my sensitive skin and it doesn't break me out which is always nice. I seriously hate the fact that my skin can be so sensitive to products because there are several products that I want to be able to try but I really don't want to push my luck with them. But with this body wash, I don't have that reaction and my skin not only feels soft but moisturized. However I have started to notice recently that my skin will dry out if I strictly use this product for a couple weeks straight. So in order to give my skin a break, I will usually use a different brand of body wash for a few days and the dryness clears right up.

Now I know that this is how my skin personally reacts to certain products and that it doesn't reflect on the product itself so I don't want to deter anyone who has been looking to try this product out. I do suggest that if you want to try out this product then try the travel size first in order to see if your skin has any reaction. But it is for sensitive skin however some people have more sensitive skin than others.

Until Next Time!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

AVEENO Yogurt Body Wash & Yogurt Body Lotion Apricot and Honey Product Review!

AVEENO Yogurt Body Wash Apricot and Honey
Just when I think I have found the perfect body wash, I try a new one and my world opens up again. Now I'm going to be honest, I didn't really expect much from this body wash but I was so wrong. When I first tried it, it wasn't the typical body wash that I have used and when I say that I mean the body wash itself was a bit thicker and more slimier if that makes any sense. So I used a bit more than I would usually do and boy was that a mistake! My loofah was nothing but Apricot and Honey scented foam! I know that I've said a little goes a long way but this statement really needs to be a staple with this product and printed onto the bottle itself. I also wasn't expecting it to be as moisturizing as it was but to my amazement I have never felt such a moisturizing body wash! I don't know what formula AVEENO has found that works like this but they need to keep it up. Just after using this body wash one time, I immediately noticed a difference in the way my skin felt. My skin has never been softer and I absolutely love it! This body wash really makes me feel like I've spent the day at the spa, being pampered and everything. Such an amazing feeling and product! It really makes me want to go out and try more products from AVEENO to see what else this company has to offer.
And the scent is amazing and lingers so sweetly on me, even after a few hours after I took a shower. It isn't a strong scent so if you have a sensitive sense of smell; I feel that this body wash is gonna be perfect for you. It is so subtle but yet you can still smell it. I can't help but wonder how long the scent will linger on me; I can't wait to find out.

AVEENO Body Yogurt Lotion Apricot and Honey
This lotion is just as amazing as the body wash. The formula is perfect, not too thick and not too thin. And the same statement can be said that a little does indeed go a long way because even with just a dab of this lotion covers a pretty large area. I was able to use just a small amount of lotion by dabbing my fingers onto the top of the lotion, and covered an entire arm without having to re-apply more lotion. The formula doesn't break me out and is so gentle on my skin which has been known to breakout from different types of lotions. I applied this lotion right after bathing with the matching body wash and they really are the perfect pair. The lotion just locks in the moisture from the body wash, while also adding it's own into the mix. I love being able to just sit here and get a whiff of Apricot and Honey; I can't wait to see how long this scent will last.

So in review, I love both of these products and I am so thankful that I was able to review these products.

Until next time!

Disclaimer: I received both of these products free for testing purposes from Crowdtap. All of my opinions are of my own words and feelings towards these products.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Influenster Voxbox Review - Herbal Essences Voxbox

Hello and welcome to another Influenster VoxBox review! The Voxbox that I received from Influenster was the Herbal Essences Voxbox. This voxbox contained two products by Herbal Essences: The Hello Hydration Shampoo and the Tousle Me Softly - Let it Loose - Hairspray Fixatif. I will give my honest review on both products and please note that even though I received these products free for review, my thoughts and opinions are my own and are not influenced in any way. Now on with the review!

Now let's start with the shampoo. The bottle is a very decent size so it will last a long time even if you have long and thick hair like I do. From looking at the bottle, which is pictured in this post; one would think that the bottle itself is blue. That is not the case as it is the shampoo itself that is that pretty blue color which I loved. Now I will be the first to admit that when I opened up the bottle and smelled the shampoo, I was not fond of the scent at all. It reminded too much of sunscreen for my liking and I didn't want my hair to smell like that. However, I tried it anyway despite not liking the smell of it and I was surprised to note that the scent of the shampoo became more of a sweet coconut scent once I had some of the product on my hands. So I guess it was the bottle that made it smell like it which I am grateful for. Once I smelled the sweet coconut I felt myself be transported to what seemed like a beach vacation and it was amazing. The lather was perfect and as I stated before a little goes a long way. However, while it did help to hydrate my hair I still felt the need to use a small amount of conditioner. It could be because of the thickness of my hair, I am really unsure but I would suggest still using conditioner after using this shampoo. But all in all, it really is a great product.

As for the hairspray, I was pleasantly surprised by it. I don't like hairspray usually as it leaves my hair too stiff and sticky for my taste. Plus my hair is very thick and long, it seems to take more hairspray than normal. But to my honest surprise, this was not the case in this hairspray. Not only was my hair not stiff or sticky, it was quite manageable which was a big plus for me and made me want to share more about this product. Not only that but it doesn't smell like hairspray to me which is even more of a plus. I am happy that I was able to try out this product because now I have it when I need to use it. It also held up all day long and I was running errands for a good 8 hours or more and it held the style with no problem at all. So extra kudos for Herbal Essences for making such a great products.

Well that concludes this review. Thanks for reading and until next time!

Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation Review


Today I'm going to be reviewing the Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation. I know that this foundation has been out for quite sometime but I've never been one for foundation, much less make-up because I just don't think it suits me at all. But I wanted to give this a try since I had an event coming up that I wanted to at least try to have make-up on and look presentable to say the least. So I took to the internet and looked up reviews for drug-store makeup and this one kept popping up pretty much everything; so I decided to give it a try.

I picked up a bottle from Wal-Mart, the shade that came closest to my skin tone was Shade 115: Ivory. To my surprise it was a perfect match so I was happy that I didn't have to lighten it because I know that sometimes my skin can be a bit lighter in certain areas of my face.

Now I will say that for me, a little goes a very long way because I don't really like to cake foundation on my face at all, I don't like the feeling of it and I'm always afraid that my dry skin will show up worse. However, that was not the case with this foundation. It went on smoothly and stayed on for the duration of the event which made me quite happy. Even though I don't wear makeup often, this type of foundation makes me want to wear it more often because of how well it worked for me.

I also have a problem with my pores, especially on my nose so I was afraid that it would make them more noticeable that what they usually are but nope; in fact I think it hid them pretty well. I also love the fact that this foundation doesn't make me look like I put wax on my face at all. And since it is very affordable considering I think I paid less than six dollars for my bottle, I know that everyone will be able to try this out for themselves. I highly recommend it and it makes me want to try more of Maybellines' products now.

That's it for this review! Until next time!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Suave Professionals Moisturizing Almond & Shea Butter Shampoo & Conditioner Review

This has got to be one of my top favorite shampoo and conditioner sets to use on my wild hair that is so hard to tame.

It really does a good job in not only smoothing it out but also keeping the moisture locked in so it doesn't look dead and dried out. Now I say that it is one of my top favorites but it's really not my all time favorite which is Garnier Fructis Sleek and Shine but I'm not here to review that as I'm pretty sure that I have already reviewed it.

But I really do like Suave Professionals as well; so while it's not a top favorite it is in my top 5 shampoo/conditioner favorites. I do find that the moisture doesn't stay locked in for as long as I like and after a few hours after washing I can already tell that it isn't as moisturized as it should be. But it really doesn't make me angry or disappointed however. This is because sometimes when my hair looks too moisturized it looks greasy and that just isn't a good look on anyone.

All in all I say that this is a great shampoo and conditioner. It is very inexpensive as I think I paid less than $7 for both bottles together so that's really not too expensive when compared to other products that do simliar things but cost at least 5x more. Which doesn't make sense to me for paying that much for a product but I've never tried any of those products so perhaps I am missing out on something that others see that I don't.

Until Next Time!

Amityville Horror & Amityville Horror The Possession Movie Reviews

Hello all and welcome to another horror movie today. Today is a special treat because I'm going to be reviewing two movies in one. Today I'm going to be reviewing The Amityville Horror (1979) and The Amityville II: The Possession (1982)

Both of these movies came out back to back so I was able to watch them without any interruptions which is fantastic. Now I don't want to ruin either of these movies by giving away spoilers, even though I'm sure that if you're a horror movie fan that you have seen both of these movies numerous times.

Personally I love the original Amityville better than I like the one from 2005 with Ryan Reynolds. Not saying that he isn't a good actor at all but I do prefer the originals when it comes to horror movies. I just feel like they can draw me in better than more recent horror movies or remakes of horror movies can.

One thing I can say about both movies is that they are very suspenseful and they set the perfect scene. The camera work on both films are simply amazing and they really make you feel connected to each character in the movie. The effects are also simply fantastic considering that both of these movies came out before advanced movie editing and in my personal opinion, both of these movies set the bar when it came to horror movies; along with The Exorcist of course which to me is in a league all of it's own.

I don't want to really spoil either of these movies because I want others to go and watch them; even if you've watched them before reading this review, watch them again! I mean they're classics and personally I don't see how anyone can not watch them.

Well that's it for this horror movie review! Thanks for reading! Until next time!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

House on Haunted Hill (1959) - Movie Review

This movie was by far the best one that I've seen in a while, granted it did come out in 1959 but for me that's not the point. It doesn't have all the effects that horror movies do these days but rather it dealt more with the acting abilities and small scares that made movies like this enjoyable.

Vincent Price is one of the best actors that has ever existed to me and I love all of his movies, especially anything with horror in it. No matter what role he played, whether he was good or bad, I always found myself cheering for his character. I just couldn't believe that I have never sat down and watched his version of House on Haunted Hill, or if I did I don't remember it. Granted I wasn't even a thought when the movie came out in 1959, seeing that I am only 28 but still; I pride myself on watching old horror movies as they are some of my favorites.

Anyway, the movie is a little over an hour long and it kept my attention from start to finish. It was enthralling, from the characters, the story plot and of course the house itself. I enjoyed it much better than the remake that came out years later. Sometimes I ask myself why do they even try to remake such great movies but then again this is Hollywood and I guess some money has to be made in one way or another. But to me some remakes ruin the feel of the old versions; at least to me that is. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy modern horror movies as well but there is just something about the suspense and drama that fills classic movies such as this one that is just hard to beat with most modern movies these days.

The acting was spectacular in this film and Vincent Price gave a perfect performance. His acting is just so spot on that there is no doubt that he was made for horror/suspense/thriller movies such as this one. I look forward to watching a few more of his movies later on this month and possibly even beyond that.

The effects in this movie were pretty good and I am not ashamed to admit that I did jump at one that was completely unexpected, and I loved it. I don't want to spoil this movie for anyone who hasn't seen it which despite how old it is, I know that there has to be some people out there that haven't treated themselves to this wonderful horror movie. Truly makes me want to go out and collect as many Vincent Price movies as I can find and add them to my DVD/Blu-Ray collection.

And that is a mini movie review because I want others to go out and watch this classic for themselves.

Until Next Time!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Dawn of the Dead (1978) Movie Review

Movie Length : 2 Hours, 7 Minutes

Main Characters

Movie Summary: Following an ever-growing epidemic of zombies that have risen from the dead, two Philadelphia S.W.A.T. team members, a traffic reporter, and his television executive girlfriend seek refuge in a secluded shopping mall.

If you've ever seen the remake of this movie but not the original, then I highly recommend you watch this one. Because as far as a good movie, this one beats the remake hands down.

To me it offers more of a backstory on each of the characters as well as different side-characters that don't really hold any value to the plot but they add a bit of spice to it and more of a depth to how humans would react to this type of situations; such as a zombie-breakout. Granted the remake of this movie had more characters that I really didn't see the point of them there, much less what their purpose was to the plot.

However, I should let it be known that the characters of this movie got on my nerves with their actions. They became overconfident in their fortress and in the end it was their downfall. Well two of them.

Oh warning, there will be spoilers so don't read beyond this point.

First off the only female character that is not a zombie, Francine, gets on my nerves so much with her attitude. I would have slapped her at the beginning of the movie and then proceeded to knock her brains out at every given chance. Granted at the end of the movie, she changed for the better but after watching her for nearly two hours complain after every little thing it got old quickly.

The other main characters were a variety of male mindsets, Peter, Stephen and Roger. Now Stephen got on my nerves because he kept trying to shot and he couldn't even aim straight but at the end of the movie he did redeem himself slightly but it still cost him his life. Roger's turning was sad to me because to me he really didn't deserve to be bitten at all, much less Peter having to shot his best friend. I would have liked Roger and Peter to be the two survivors rather than Peter and Francine. But I guess it's frowned upon to kill off a pregnant character...well maybe not but perhaps there was a reason why Francine wasn't killed off by the zombies.

Really didn't like the addition of the motorcycle gang but I can understand that during a zombie breakout of any kind that zombies aren't the only thing to be feared, nor are they they the most dangerous at times. While it did lose them their fortress aka the shopping mall, I did appreciate how they turned the zombies back to the invaders.

Another thing about this movie that I found odd was that the zombies maintained some type of memory of their past. Like the way Stephen was able to find the hidden doorway to the hidden room that him and Peter had worked hard on. I wish the movie would have explained this a bit further in detail but in the long run I don't guess it really matters.

All in all this movie was fantastic. The plot progressed in a steady manner. The zombies were awesome looking but I have come to expect that from a George A. Romero movie; much like I expect the gratuitous amount of gore that comes with these movies. So I have to give many kudos because of when this movie was made to the attention to gore that this movie has.

So I give this movie five zombie brains out of five.

Again I apologize for not posting daily as I wanted to but my family are going through some personal things that cannot be put on hold. But I do want to write as many reviews as I can so please be patient with me.

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Update/My Apologies

I won't be updating this daily with my horror movie reviews and for that I apologize.

But there has been a personal family issue that has occurred and it requires all of my attention at this moment. I hope and thank you for understanding.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

31 Days of Horror Movie Reviews - Day 1: Day of the Dead (1985)

The first movie that I would like to review after watching is George A. Romero's Day of the Dead from 1985.

Now I'd like to pride myself that I have seen every zombie movie out there from the very first one to the more recent TV shows. Granted some of them are lacking greatly and I would not even consider them a zombie movie given how the zombies themselves are portrayed.

However that is not this case with this movie because as sad as it sounds, I do not remember watching it and for that I want to kick myself for. This movie is a great zombie movie with plenty of gore to spare. However that does not mean that it does not lack in a few aspects.

Warning, this may contain spoilers so be aware.

First off, I'd like to address the stereotypical army captain. I'm sure you all know the one I'm talking about, "Do what I say or I'll shoot you" type. I swear it seems like every zombie movie has at least one of these guys and sometimes they're not even in the army. They tend to ware of my nerves a bit but overall I feel that this stereotype was pulled off rather nicely and the way that his existence was snuffed out was perfect. Also I have to give props for an epic final line from this character; even as death was gripping him in its' cold hard grasp.

Another was the female character in this movie. She is the only female character, well besides the zombies and she got on my nerves from the moment she opened her mouth. You've seen those types in other movies, the ones that think they know everything, that think that they can help anyone even when that someone doesn't need their help but still feels the need the push them over the edge in order to get their way. The ones that refuse to see the truth before their eyes when they know instantly that something isn't right but refuse to acknowledge it. Only to realize in the last ten minutes of the movie that none of this matters and only survival matters in any way shape or form.

There are a few more grievances that I could make but honestly they are little things that really can be overlooked. Now I want to get into what I absolutely loved about this movie.

I loved the fact that they never revealed how the virus was spread. Not one inkling as to how this all began and that makes me happy because I am so tired of watching more recent zombie movies/tv shows and for them to go into extreme detail on how the virus got started. I personal like the mystery of it as it keeps my interest on the movie instead of wondering how the writers even began to come up with that idea of spreading the virus.

Another thing that I loved was the amount of gore. It really wasn't scary at all but the gore made up for that. The attention to gore and the amount of time and effort that was put into each scene just makes me clap for everyone that was involved in this movie. It was as close to perfection as one could get for 1985.

Now I don't want to go into anymore detail but I highly suggest that if you haven't seen this movie, to watch it. If you've already seen it, watch it again in order to appreciate the work that went into this classic zombie movie as I see it.

Well that's it for this movie review.
Be on the lookout for another horror movie tomorrow!

31 Days of Horror Movie Reviews - Halloween 2016

Hello all.

Once again let me apologize for not posting a review in some time. There are personals reasons as to why I haven't been reviewing the way I want to but this is something that I really want to keep up with so I'm hoping that I will be able to post daily for this month.

This month me and one of my closest friends have made it a goal to watch one horror movie every night for the entire month. We have a list of 31 movies along with a list of backup movies if we don't feel up to watching the ones on the main list.

We have already finished the one for tonight so keep an eye out for that movie review to come soon.

Now please be aware that I know that my opinions on these movies will not be for everyone; because we all know that we are very different when it comes to horror movies. There are some people who love them and can watch them constantly; such as myself and my friend. But there are also some that just cannot stand to watch them no matter how horrofying they may be. So please keep this in mind as you read the reviews for this month.

Also I am going to put this warning here as well as in the beginning of every review, please expect some spoilers. I will try my hardest not to give anything away but I am merely human so I expect that I will slip up a few times. However I will try my hardest to with-hold any major spoilers.